O evento TUTAN TRANSMANTIQUEIRA ULTRATRAIL AGULHAS NEGRAS consiste em corrida pedestre em trilha/montanha/perímetros urbanos, a ser realizada no dia 11 de abril de 2020. Em área do PNI – Parque Nacional de Itatiaia. PEPS Parque Estadual da Pedra Selada, entre os municípios de Itamonte e Bocaina de Minas, Estado de Minas Gerais e distrito Visconde de Mauá município de Resende e no município de Itatiaia, cidades do estado Rio de Janeiro, a prova tem como característica principal a autossuficiência por cada atleta, isso significa que os corredores devem levar todo o seu equipamento, hidratação e alimentos durante a prova eé cada atleta deve ser capaz de solucionar e garantir a sua movimentação pelo percurso determinado, de modo que o atleta resolva sem a ajuda da organização e meios externos os problemas encontrados no ambiente onde acontece a prova, tais como adversidades naturais relacionados com vento, frio, chuva e etc. Primando sempre por respeitar a legislação ambiental em vigor no país dentro das áreas de preservação, seguindo todas as recomendações emitidas pela organização da prova com relação a minimizar possíveis impactos ambientais, com pena de desclassificação e multa financeira conforme possa ser enquadrado o dano ambiental.
O evento é composto por provas em três distâncias aproximadas, de 100km, 75km, 42km e 21km nas categorias feminina e masculina, conforme descrição detalhada mais adiante, tendo a participação fechada aos atletas regularmente inscritos de ambos os sexos. Todas as largadas serão realizadas no dia 11 de abril de 2020 ficando as largadas e chegadas acontecendo da seguinte forma:

Leia mais sobre: https://www.tutan.com.br/

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The Coastal Challenge Costa Rica – 2020 – February 9th

The Coastal Challenge Costa Rica is a multi-stage trail running race where you’ll test your mental and physical strength in order to survive the heavy tropical forest & beach weather.

It’s consider one of the top trail running races in the world, but TCC is much more than that. A complete experience where runners (world pro and amateurs), staff & media interact in a 24 hours all inclusive base camp experience.

TCC 2020 Overview

February 8th to 15th, 2020
Official registration & poolside reception for competitors in San José: February 8th
Registration/Opening Ceremony: February 9th
Race start: February 9th
Race finish: February 15th
Race length: 6 days
Distance: Expedition Run 236km | Adventure Run 155km

Read more in : http://thecoastalchallengecostarica.com/

35th MARATHON DES SABLES 03 to 13 April 2020 in southern Morocco

The 35th MARATHON DES SABLES is organized by ATLANTIDE ORGANISATION Internationale and will take place from 03 to 13 April 2020 in southern Morocco. This 35th annual event will take place under the aegis of the MOROCCAN MINISTRY OF TOURISM and will bring together around 1 200 French and foreign participants.

Read more in : https://www.marathondessables.com/en

25º Revezamento Volta à Ilha – 140 km 04 de Abril de 2020

Esta é a maior corrida de revezamento por equipe em extensão da América Latina, com 140 km, ao redor da Ilha de Florianópolis, Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Foi criada em 1996, pela Eco Floripa Eventos Esportivos, que detém os direitos autorias do evento e que desde então sempre a organizou e produziu. As 400 equipes que podem participar do evento são compostas de 2, 8 ou até 12 corredores, que são classificados em nove categorias. Existem 19 postos de troca ao redor da ilha e as equipes devem se deslocar de um posto a outro de para fazerem as trocas. As distâncias entre os postos de troca variam de 4 a 16 km e os graus de dificuldade são classificados desde um nível fácil a muito, muito difícil. Para progredir de um ponto a outro, a equipe transporta os corredores utilizando vans, carros ou motos. As paisagens são exuberantes por estradas de terra, trilhas de mata atlântica, banana boat, montanhas, dunas e 20 lindas praias de Florianópolis, onde a limpeza é impecável. É uma prova diferente, vibrante, desafiadora, que exige estratégia e planejamento na escalação de cada membro da equipe, de acordo com o percurso e condição física, o que acaba estimulando o espírito de companheirismo e colaboração mútua no grupo.

Leia mais em : https://www.ecofloripa.com.br/voltailha/

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CANIONS ULTRAMARATHON 04 de abril de 2020

Corredores cabra da peste me deem licença pra falar as palavra usada aqui pelo povo do sertão e convidar voi micês pra se aprochegar aqui nesse sertão e correr que nem nutiça ruim.
Essa tal de ultra vai acontecer no dia 4 de abril de 2020 numa temperatura de rachar o quengo …
As unha dos pé vão vuar fora… e o côro ficar na pueira da caatinga.
Só vem pra essas banda correr quem for cabra macho e muié homi.
Vão puder correr sozinho que nem doido… Correr de parêa… de três incangado… de quato que nem carro de boi… e de seize… qui nem trem incarriado.
Vai ser uma corrida onde os corredor macho e as corredora macha vão conhecer a história da região, vão ficar mais estudado com a curtura local e o mió, superar os seus limites na cansêra da corrida.
A distânça é pequena, só 100 km dentro da caatinga numa temperatura bêrando os quarenta grá, num calôzinho que aqui a gente chama de calô inferná.
No vale do São Francisco os corredor vão passar pela caatinga e vê as pranta daqui, o umbuzeiro, o mandacarú, a umburana e muita “pranta amarela”…e não esquecer do cacto e da palma que dá no meio da canela… é espinho feito a gota.

Leia mais : http://canionsultramarathon.com.br

Tiberias Marathon 03 – Jan – 2020 – Today!

Tiberias Marathon, the race that paved the way for Israel’s booming running culture, offers a fast and flat course, running alongside views of the Sea of ​​Galilee and the surrounding green mountains in a celebration that does not stop for 42.2 kilometers.

The Tiberias Sea of ​​Galilee Marathon event is a member of AIMS – Association of International Marathons and Distance Races.

Read More in : https://www.tiberiasmarathon.com/en/

Two Oceans Ultra Marathon 11 April 2020

The Two Oceans Ultra Marathon and the Two Oceans Half Marathon are held under the auspices, rules and regulations of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), International Association of Ultrarunners (IAU), Athletics South Africa (ASA) and Western Province Athletics (WPA).
The athlete agrees to participate at their own risk and by their entry and participation fully indemnifies the organisers of the Two Oceans Marathon events, the Two Oceans Marathon NPC, Athletics South Africa, Western Province Athletics, City of Cape Town, SANParks, all official sponsors and partners, volunteer groups, medical suppliers, and any and all local authorities, from any direct or indirect loss or damage, however caused, arising from their participation in the event or related to the event, including pre-race and post-race activities.
The race organisers reserve the right to accept or reject any entry. It is the responsibility of each athlete to ensure that they are medically fit and healthy to participate in the event. The Two Oceans Marathon has the right to reject an entry on the advice of the race medical team. IAAF Rule 144.1 b states that the Medical Practitioner has the highest authority at the race. EMS also have the authority to take an athlete off the road (ASA Rule 5.6 and IAAF 144.1.b), even if the athlete refuses (as TOM is responsible for their well-being).
Medical flagging: Athletes who entered the TOM Ultra Marathon, Half Marathon or Trail Runs, and who are flagged and required to upload medical documents to the TOM online entry system, must do so by the Profile Update deadline. Athletes who fail to meet this deadline will forfeit their entry.
The Two Oceans Marathon reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to remove any participant or entrant from the event or event route should (i) their conduct or attire in any way endanger or cause a hazard to other participants, spectators and / or attendees of the event; (ii) their conduct or attire poses a medical risk to themselves. No banners or flags carried with poles are allowed. Only official pace setters will be permitted to run with poles, which will adhere to strict safety guidelines.
All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable under all circumstances, including, but not limited to, cancellation of the event or of the athlete’s participation, or change in the date, nature, or format of the event. The event may be cancelled or changed due to severe weather or any other factors that may be deemed to threaten the safety of athletes, staff, or volunteers.

Read More in: https://www.twooceansmarathon.org.za/

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Mauna to Mauna Ultra 17-23 May 2020

The Grand to Grand Ultra and the Mauna to Mauna Ultra are the culmination of our vision to create world-class stage events in two of the remotest locations – the remotest place in America and the remotest place in the world.

We searched high and low for the most iconic courses possible. It was the unique opportunity to organize an event that would stretch from the Grand Canyon, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, to the summit of the relatively unknown but equally geologically iconic Grand Staircase, that settled the location for G2G.

After several more years of research and scouting, we decided that we had to create a race on the remotest archipelago in the world. It has everything for an amazing stage race – tough and varied terrain, beauty, the world’s tallest and largest mountains, the world’s most active volcano, and 11 of the world’s 13 climate zones.  It was the creation of M2M.

We bring over 50 years of event management, business building and ultramarathon experience to bear on these unique events. We have well qualified and experienced staff who round out the management team enabling us to execute the world’s premier self-supported stage races.

Read More in : https://m2multra.com/m2m-homepage

Trail Verbier St-Bernard 4 -5 July 2020

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The « Trailers Verbier St-Bernard » association has been officially established according to its articles of constitution which have been duly submitted.
We organise four alpine running races. The Verbier Saint-Bernard Trail (TVSB) is comprised of the X-Alpine of approx.
111km; the X-Traversée is approx. 73km long, the Verbier Marathon is approx. 43km long and the Liddes-Verbier race of
approx. 31km. The races are individual. Competitors go at their own pace but must complete the race within a set time.
The races are open to any person, male or female, born in 2000 or before for the X-Alpin31e and any person born in 2002 or older for the X-Traversée and the Verbier Marathon. No age limit for the Liddes-Verbier but young runner below 18 must present an authorization from their legal parent. The races are open to licensed and non-licensed runners. The courses include sections at high altitude where harsh and extreme conditions may be encountered (nighttime, wind, cold temperatures, rain, snow). Succeeding in this great challenge requires very good training and a high level of fitness as well as self-sufficiency.
X-Alpine is a very mountainous trail, for runners used to such terrains.
4 ITRA points are required to participate to the X-Alpine. They must have been achieved within 2 years before subscription in a maximum of 2 races. All races validated by ITRA are qualifying races. Other races can be considered on request.
When inscribing to any of the races, the runner must:
-accept to receive every newsletter with information on the TVSB event.
-be conscious of the length and difficulty of the race.
-take the responsibility to have a confirmation from a competent doctor that he/she is able and that they have no counter indication to take part to such a race
-know how to deal with difficult outdoor weather conditions due to the altitude (darkness, wind, cold, heat, fog, rain or snow) -know how to deal with physical or mental problems due to extreme tiredness, digestive problems, muscle pain, small
injuries… Moreover the runner is aware that it’s not the event responsibility to help them cope with such problems.

-realise that the organisation committee cannot guarantee absolute security during the race. And that the delay for any rescue might be up to several hours in some places.
-realise that the race is in the mountain and accept the linked risks.
Participants of the Verbier Saint-Bernard Trail are required to read and abide by the rules and ethics of the race. The jury’s decision is final.
Ages below are the ages of the person on the 31st December 2020
X-Alpine X-Traversée Liddes Verbier
Verbier Marathon
Seniors Male (SE H) 20 to 39 years old 18 to 39 years old younger than 39 years old
Seniors Female (SE F) 20 to 39 years old 18 to 39 years old younger than 39 years old
Master 1 Male (MH1) 40 to 49 years old 40 to 49 years old 40 to 49 years old
Master 1 Female (MF1) 40 to 49 years old 40 to 49 years old 40 to 49 years old
Master 2 Male (MH2) 50 to 59 years old 50 to 59 years old 50 to 59 years old
Master 2 Female (MF2) 50 to 59 years old 50 to 59 years old 50 to 59 years old
Master 3 Male (MH3) 60 and older 60 and older 60 and older
Master 3 Female (MF3) 60 and older 60 and older 60 and older
The course is regarded as an individual semi self-sufficient race. Drinks and food are provided at the control points and
provisioning posts.

Read More in: http://www.trailvsb.com/en/

2ª ULTRAMARATONA DE RIO NOVO – MG 19 e 20 de Setembro de 2020


O evento doravante denominado de 2ª ULTRAMARATONA DE RIO NOVO – MG, será realizado SÁBADO E DOMINGO, 19 e 20 de SETEMBRO, no Município de Rio Novo, Minas Gerais.
 A largada/chegada da CORRIDA será na Praça Ronaldo Dutra Borges (a praça da Igreja Matriz), com qualquer condição climática do dia, desde que não ofereça risco aos participantes.
 A largada da CORRIDA DE 12h SOLO será às 20:00h (OITO DA NOITE);
 A largada da CORRIDA DE 12h DUPLA será às 20:00h (OITO DA NOITE);
 A largada da CORRIDA DE 06h será às 02:00h (DUAS DA MANHÃ);


Dia 19/09/2020 – SÁBADO

13:00h às 17:00h: Entrega de kits aos atletas.
17:00h às 19:00h: Congresso técnico no Espaço Cultural (ou Lions Clube), Praça Ronaldo Dutra Borges.
19:30h: Chamada para os atletas se posicionarem na linha de Largada.
20:00h: Largada da CORRIDA DE 12h SOLO será às 20:00h (OITO DA NOITE);Dia 20/09/2019 – DOMINGO
02:00h: LARGADA da prova de 6 HORAS.
08:00h: Término das duas provas.
09:00h: Cerimônia de Premiação. PREMIAÇÃO GERAL 12h E 6h.

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