Hansons Marathon Method: Run Your Fastest Marathon the Hansons Way 23 de março de 2018 edsonsp Deixar um comentário Hansons Marathon Method: Run Your Fastest Marathon the Hansons Way Run your first marathon or your fastest with Hansons Marathon Method, the revolutionary training program from one of the best running teams in the world, the Hansons-Brooks Distance Project. In Hansons Marathon Method, the coaches of the Hansons-Brooks Distance Project reveal their innovative marathon training program that has helped thousands of runners become true marathoners and smash their personal bests. Hansons Marathon Method tosses out mega-long runs and high-mileage weekends–two old-fashioned running traditions that often injure and discourage runners. Runners using the Hansons method will gradually build up to the moderate-high mileage required for marathon success, spreading those miles more sensibly throughout the week. Running easy days mixed with precisely paced speed, strength, and tempo workouts, runners will steel their bodies and minds to run the hardest final miles of the marathon–and finish strong. In this new second edition, the Hansons program welcomes newer runners with a new Just Finish program featuring a simple schedule of easier running and lower mileage. The Just Finish program sets up first-time marathoners for an enjoyable marathon and a lifetime of strong, healthy running. READ MORE IN: Hansons Marathon Method: Run Your Fastest Marathon the Hansons Way TAGS: Fastest Marathon, Hansons, Hansons Marathon, Way Amazon English Geral