Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB)

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UTMB Mont-Blanc 2022 – Best Of

Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB): como mencionado anteriormente, é uma das ultramaratonas mais famosas do mundo, com uma rota de 171 km ao redor do Mont Blanc, passando por França, Itália e Suíça. Site: https://www.utmbmontblanc.com/

10 Ultramaratonas famosas na França

Backpacker trekking through Chamonix Alps in France Image by rawpixel.com

10 Ultramaratonas famosas na França :

  1. Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB): como mencionado anteriormente, é uma das ultramaratonas mais famosas do mundo, com uma rota de 171 km ao redor do Mont Blanc, passando por França, Itália e Suíça. Site: https://www.utmbmontblanc.com/
  2. Grand Raid de la Réunion: uma corrida de trilha de 165 km realizada na ilha de Reunião, no Oceano Índico. Site: https://www.grandraid-reunion.com/
  3. Ultra-Trail Côte d’Azur Mercantour (UTCAM): uma corrida de trilha de 145 km com vistas panorâmicas dos Alpes Marítimos. Site: https://utcam.raideur.org/
  4. La Diagonale des Fous: uma ultramaratona de 166 km também realizada na ilha de Reunião. Site: https://www.grandraid-reunion.com/diagonale-des-fous
  5. Le Grand Trail des Templiers: uma ultramaratona de 100 km com início e término na cidade de Millau, passando pelo Parque Nacional das Cévennes. Site: https://www.traildustempliers.com/
  6. Le Trail de Bourbon: uma corrida de trilha de 111 km também realizada na ilha de Reunião. Site: https://www.grandraid-reunion.com/trail-de-bourbon
  7. Les 100 km de Belvès: uma ultramaratona de 100 km que começa e termina na cidade medieval de Belvès, passando por vinhedos e florestas. Site: http://100kmbelves.com/
  8. La SaintéLyon: uma corrida de trilha noturna de 76 km entre Saint-Étienne e Lyon. Site: https://www.saintelyon.com/
  9. Le Verdon Canyon Challenge: uma ultramaratona de 110 km que passa pelo impressionante cânion de Verdon, na região da Provença. Site: https://verdoncanyonchallenge.com/
  10. Le Grand Raid des Pyrénées: uma corrida de trilha de 220 km pelos Pirineus franceses, com vistas espetaculares dos picos mais altos da região. Site: https://www.grandraidpyrenees.com/

Todos esses eventos têm sites informativos detalhando as datas de corridas, requisitos de inscrição, regulamentos e rotas.

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OBSERVAÇÃO : O ultramarathon.com.br  não tem relação com nenhum site de Prova ou Site de Inscrição de Corridas, sendo assim qualquer dúvida tratar diretamente com o Site do Organizador da Prova.

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UTMB – Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc 2017 Registration

The Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® is an event, the essence of which is to offer several events deep in the countryside, making use of the well trodden paths of the Mont Blanc and Beaufort regions. Each event is run in one stage, at one’s own speed, but within a time limit.

  • The UTMB® [Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®]: around 170km with about 10,000 metres of height gain, starts from Chamonix, in semi-autonomy and in 46:30 hours maximum.
  • The CCC® [Courmayeur-Champex-Chamonix] around 101km with about 6,100 metres height gain, starts from Courmayeur, in semi-autonomy and in 26 hours maximum and 30 minutes.
  • The TDS® [Sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie]: around 119km with about 7,200 metres height gain, starts from Courmayeur, in semi-autonomy and in 33 hours maximum.
  • The OCC [Orsières-Champex-Chamonix] around 55km for about 3,300 metres of height gain, starts from Orsières, in semi-autonomy within a maximum of 14 hours.

Read More in : http://ultratrailmb.com/en/

Ultramarathon Running Injuries: Niggles, Scrapes and Nipple Chafes

Some athletes get proper injuries. This is not a book about these. Go and see a professional if you have one. This is about the minor, irritating and downright weird stuff that happens when you try to race other people of questionable sanity over long distances in beautiful settings.
You may have had some of these, you may have had all of these. This is a survival guide to help get you to across that finish line and to the start line of the next one.

If it hurts a lot – you probably need to take time off training.
If it hurts a bit – and you want to whinge a bit about it, do so. You are probably fine to carry on. This is a book about these injuries. These knocks, niggles and yes, chafed nipples.

Normal ultramarathon injuries come from the wear and tear ordinary mortals sustain running an ultramarathon.

– When you run big distances, it will hurt. Probably a lot.
– If it were easy, you probably wouldn’t be as drawn to it.
– If you have many ultras and a few hundred milers under your belt, you don’t need to read this book.
– If you are built of steel and don’t mind a bit of discomfort, then don’t bother with this book either. You will be fine and the pain will fade. READ MORE – Ultramarathon Running Injuries: Niggles, Scrapes and Nipple Chafes