Superior: 100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

Superior: 100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

The Superior 100 is one of the most rugged, remote, and relentless 100 mile footraces out there. It’s beautiful and challenging. This multi-genre book is part nonfiction novel, part history, part memoir, among other things. It follows eight runners through the race. It follows crew members, volunteers, course markers, sweepers, and the race director. It dives into race history. With lyric and memorable narrative, it captures the physical, mental, and spiritual journeys of the competitors as they run through the night, through the forests, rivers, and ridgetops of the Sawtooth Mountains of northern Minnesota.
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100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

Superior: 100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

The Superior 100 is one of the most rugged, remote, and relentless 100 mile footraces out there. It’s beautiful and challenging. This multi-genre book is part nonfiction novel, part history, part memoir, among other things. It follows eight runners through the race. It follows crew members, volunteers, course markers, sweepers, and the race director. It dives into race history. With lyric and memorable narrative, it captures the physical, mental, and spiritual journeys of the competitors as they run through the night, through the forests, rivers, and ridgetops of the Sawtooth Mountains of northern Minnesota.

READ MORE IN -> Superior: 100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

Superior: 100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

Superior: 100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

The Superior 100 is one of the most rugged, remote, and relentless 100 mile footraces out there. It’s beautiful and challenging. This multi-genre book is part nonfiction novel, part history, part memoir, among other things. It follows eight runners through the race. It follows crew members, volunteers, course markers, sweepers, and the race director. It dives into race history. With lyric and memorable narrative, it captures the physical, mental, and spiritual journeys of the competitors as they run through the night, through the forests, rivers, and ridgetops of the Sawtooth Mountains of northern Minnesota.

READ MORE IN: 100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons

Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons
Marathons have become too easy for some runners. What was once the pinnacle of achievement in a runner’s life is now a stepping stone for extraordinary adventure in ultramarathoning. The number of ultrarunners—those running distances of 50k (31miles), 50 miles, 100k (62 miles), or 100 miles—is growing astronomically each year.

Dean Karnazes’ Ultramarathon Man and Chris McDougall’s Born to Run have inspired tens of thousands to try these seemingly superhuman distances. But to date, there has been no practical guide to ultramarathoning. Now, Bryon Powell has written Relentless Forward Progress, the first how-to manual for aspiring ultrarunners. Powell covers every aspect of training for and racing ultra distances. This encyclopedic volume prepares runners for going farther than they have ever gone before and, in the process, shows them that they are capable of the “impossible.”

About the Author

Bryon Powell is a former Washington, DC, attorney who left his job to devote himself to running ultramarathons full time. He publishes the popular trail running and competes in ultras nationwide. His articles have also been published in Outside, Running Times, Trail Runner, Competitor, and UltraRunning.Bryon is a contributing editor at Trail Runner and is an advisory board member of the American Trail Running Association. He lives in Park City, Utah. As a runner, he has twice placed in the top ten at the Leadville 100 (’06 & ’09), twice won the under-30 age group at the Western States 100 (’05 & ’06), and was part of the first American team to place in the top three at Morocco’s Marathon des Sables (’09).READ MORE

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Run Gently Out There: Trials, trails, and tribulations of running ultramarathons

Run Gently Out There: Trials, trails, and tribulations of running ultramarathons

If on leaving a trailhead, you only glance at your watch to have an idea of when you need to be back, parts of this book will be for you.

If when crossing a desert valley, you wonder what it is like to run in the silence and solitude way out there, parts of this book will be for you.

If wading across a beaver pond during a run seemed the only logical thing to do, parts of this book will be for you.

If you ever thought of running fifty miles in one day, parts of this book will be for you.

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