BR 135 Temporada Oficial iniciando no Brasil – Comandante Mário

Segue trecho de mensagem do Comandante Mário:

“Entramos no quarto mês do ano de 2019 e com ele se inicia a temporada oficial das ultramaratonas de rua BR 135. A primeira já está marcada para o dia 27 de abril de 2019,
prova que terá muitas novidades e já será válida para o Ranking Brasileiro Integrado, também teremos uma premiação anual onde concorrerão os 6 melhores atletas
(feminino e masculino) na categoria 80km. ”

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Kimani Pharis Irungu vence a Maratona de São Paulo

São Paulo (SP), 07/04/19 – Neste domingo (7), o queniano Kimani Pharis Irungu, que tem qualificação bronze no ranking IAAF, foi o vencedor da Maratona de São Paulo 2019 ao completar os 42 km em 2h18min32seg. A etíope Sifan Melaku Demise, que é atleta ouro no ranking, faturou a vitória no feminino, com o tempo de 2h35min03seg. Os dois atletas africanos fizeram suas estreias na disputa da Maratona de São Paulo, com um grande resultado, e pretendem voltar em 2020, mesmo tendo sentido um pouco as fortes subidas do percurso.
Uma prova com ritmo intenso e puxado, e que contou com diversas subidas que exigiram bastante dos atletas, além de novidades no percurso, em razão da mudanças solicitadas pelos órgão públicos, de um dia abafado e com alta umidade, um pouco de garoa na largada e chegada e que terminou com o pódio totalmente dominado pelos estrangeiros, tanto no masculino, como no feminino. Assim pode ser resumida a 25ª edição da Maratona Internacional de São Paulo.

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Resultado da Maratona de São Paulo 2019  – Clique aqui ou acesse :

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Procure pela loja online que deseja, ative o dinheiro de volta e faça sua compra normalmente no site da loja, que será aberto automaticamente.

Ao completar R$ 20 de saldo, você pode solicitar o resgate, sem custo algum. Basta informar seus dados bancários, no site ou app do Méliuz.

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Substitution for Comrades Marathon 2019


The substitution rule is an extension of the Comrades Marathon Race rules and must be read in conjunction with the general race rules which forms an integral part of the entry form. The rule governs the process of withdrawing one athlete from the Comrades Marathon and replacing the fully paid athlete’s entry with another athlete’s entry and credentials. It is the responsibility of the substitute athlete to find an athlete who intends to or has withdrawn from the race.

Substitution Period

The Substitution process opens on 01 March 2019 and all applications must reach the CMA by no later than 15 April 2019. NO LATE SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE PROCESSED.

Substitution Methods

There are two methods to do a substitution. Please read the following instructions and choose to either do your substitution online or via the manual process using the downloadable substitution form.

Method 1: Online Substitution(preferred method)

Once Substitutions Open please follow the below steps to do an online substitution:

Step 1:

  • The current entrant who has a valid paid entry can logon to their online entry using their personal logon “User Name” and “Password”
  • The entrant must locate the substitution button at the bottom of the page and then follow the prompts
  • The “Substitution Voucher Code” needs to be supplied to the potential entrant who will be substituting to run Comrades 2019 as they will need this to use as a payment voucher when processing their entry online.

Step 2:

  • The new entrant who is the substitute, must do an online entry from the link below. (Link will only be available once the Substitution window opens)
  • On completing their new entry, they will use the “Substitution Voucher Code” as payment of the entry fee.
  • Once the “Substitution Voucher Code” has been entered as payment, there will be a remaining amount of R300 due for the substitution fee.
  • The substitution fee must be settled with an online Credit Card OR Debit Card transaction. NO DIRECT DEPOSITS (EFTs) WILL BE ACCEPTED.

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50 Races to Run Before You Die: The Essential Guide to 50 Epic Foot-Races Across the Globe

Your essential guide to 50 of the best foot races across the globe.

From iconic half marathons and obstacle races, to prestigious marathons and brutal mountain contests, 50 Races to Run Before You Die presents these epic challenges in all of their mud, sweat and glory.

Including a range of events, from easy to expert, and travelling from Britain’s highest peaks to the unforgiving Moroccan desert, this stunningly illustrated book is the essential guide for anyone who wants to test themselves by taking on some of the world’s most celebrated and rewarding physical challenges.
READ MORE -> 50 Races to Run Before You Die: The Essential Guide to 50 Epic Foot-Races Across the Globe

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