BTCCliks Banner

How much do I need to earn before I can withdraw?
The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.10000 mBTC. We charge a fee of 0% for all withdrawals.
How long does it take to receive my bitcoins?
All payments are processed instantly, if you fail to receive your payment for any reason, you can simply try again later.
What kind of referrals are rented?
We will rent you referrals who have clicked at least 15 ads in the last 5 days.
What is your policy towards multiple accounts?
You are not allowed to have more than one account per person.
Can I transfer purchase balance back to account balance or withdraw it?
No, once deposited into purchase balance it cannot be transfered back.
The ad is not loading. What do I do?
We have no control over advertiser websites and we can’t prevent them from going offline. If the timer does not start when the website fails to load, try using Google Chrome.

Earn up to 0.00019 mBTC per click
Earn up to 0.00015 mBTC per affiliate/referral click
Minimum payout is 0.10000 mBTC
Affiliate/referral program with a 40% to 80% commission!
Premium membership costs 0.54000 mBTC/3 months and earn x2 your earnings.

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