Mês: janeiro 2020
Today We Die a Little!: The Inimitable Emil Zátopek, the Greatest Olympic Runner of All Time
Today We Die a Little!: The Inimitable Emil Zátopek, the Greatest Olympic Runner of All Time
For a decade after the Second World War, Emil Zátopek—“the Czech locomotive”—redefined the sport of distance running, pushing back the frontiers of what was considered possible. He won five Olympic medals, set eighteen world records, and went undefeated in the 10,000-metre race for six years. His dominance has never been equaled.
In the darkest days of the Cold War, he stood for a spirit of generous friendship that transcended nationality and politics. Zátopek was an energetic supporter of the Prague Spring in 1968, championing “socialism with a human face” in Czechoslovakia. But for this he paid a high price. After the uprising was crushed by Soviet tanks, the hardline Communists had their revenge. Zátopek was expelled from the army, stripped of his role in national sport, and condemned to years of hard and degrading manual labor.
Based on extensive research in the Czech Republic, interviews with people across the world who knew him, and unprecedented cooperation from his widow, fellow Olympian Dana Zátopková, journalist Richard Askwith’s book breathes new life into the man and the myth, uncovering a glorious age of athletics and an epoch-defining time in world history.
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We run when we’re scared

“We run when we’re scared, we run when we’re ecstatic, we run away from our problems and run around for a good time.” ― Christopher McDougall
“Corremos quando estamos com medo, corremos quando estamos em êxtase, fugimos de nossos problemas e corremos por um bom tempo.” – Christopher McDougall
O Cérebro do Maratonista: Estratégias motivacionais para você correr a melhor maratona da sua vida
O Cérebro do Maratonista: Estratégias motivacionais para você correr a melhor maratona da sua vida
Sabemos que completar uma maratona requer, além da preparação física para suportar os 42.195 m, uma preparação mental visando garantir um estado psicológico forte e motivado para suportar a carga pesada de treinos e vencer as barreiras mentais que limitam a performance no dia da prova, de modo a ter, ao final da maratona, uma experiência transformadora de hábitos, de emoções e de vida.
É nesse contexto que O Cérebro do Maratonista apresenta, de maneira sucinta e clara, algumas técnicas de motivação para aplicação durante a fase de treinamento e a realização de uma maratona. Espero que atletas profissionais e amadores, amantes da corrida de rua, que decidiram correr a sua primeira ou vigésima maratona, possam se beneficiar das experiências aqui compartilhadas de modo a correr a melhor maratona das suas vidas.
Ao longo deste livro serão apresentadas algumas técnicas para uma mudança de mindset, ou estado mental, colocando o cérebro do atleta num estado de foco jamais experimentado. Aspectos como fatores que determinam o sucesso de um maratonista, o drama mental da fase pré-competitiva, estratégias mentais durante a realização da prova e como abordar e superar fatores sabotadores do desempenho que estão, ou não, sob o nosso controle são abordados de uma maneira simples e positiva para que você possa estar na sua melhor forma física e mental para o grande dia.
Two Oceans Ultra Marathon 11 April 2020

The Two Oceans Ultra Marathon and the Two Oceans Half Marathon are held under the auspices, rules and regulations of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), International Association of Ultrarunners (IAU), Athletics South Africa (ASA) and Western Province Athletics (WPA).
The athlete agrees to participate at their own risk and by their entry and participation fully indemnifies the organisers of the Two Oceans Marathon events, the Two Oceans Marathon NPC, Athletics South Africa, Western Province Athletics, City of Cape Town, SANParks, all official sponsors and partners, volunteer groups, medical suppliers, and any and all local authorities, from any direct or indirect loss or damage, however caused, arising from their participation in the event or related to the event, including pre-race and post-race activities.
The race organisers reserve the right to accept or reject any entry. It is the responsibility of each athlete to ensure that they are medically fit and healthy to participate in the event. The Two Oceans Marathon has the right to reject an entry on the advice of the race medical team. IAAF Rule 144.1 b states that the Medical Practitioner has the highest authority at the race. EMS also have the authority to take an athlete off the road (ASA Rule 5.6 and IAAF 144.1.b), even if the athlete refuses (as TOM is responsible for their well-being).
Medical flagging: Athletes who entered the TOM Ultra Marathon, Half Marathon or Trail Runs, and who are flagged and required to upload medical documents to the TOM online entry system, must do so by the Profile Update deadline. Athletes who fail to meet this deadline will forfeit their entry.
The Two Oceans Marathon reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to remove any participant or entrant from the event or event route should (i) their conduct or attire in any way endanger or cause a hazard to other participants, spectators and / or attendees of the event; (ii) their conduct or attire poses a medical risk to themselves. No banners or flags carried with poles are allowed. Only official pace setters will be permitted to run with poles, which will adhere to strict safety guidelines.
All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable under all circumstances, including, but not limited to, cancellation of the event or of the athlete’s participation, or change in the date, nature, or format of the event. The event may be cancelled or changed due to severe weather or any other factors that may be deemed to threaten the safety of athletes, staff, or volunteers.
Read More in: https://www.twooceansmarathon.org.za/
Carlos Dias – Ultramaratonista

Completou 106 mataronas e mais de 60 ultramaratonas (provas acima de 42km). Após correr quase todos os estados brasileiros participando de maratonas, Carlos estreou em ultramaratonas correndo a ultramaratona de 100 km em Cubatão em 1997 e depois seguiu para participar da Comrades Marathon (maratona dos camaradas) na África do Sul, prova de 90 km de montanhas. Nessa prova, tornou-se o 2º brasileiro na história a completar a prova e mas não ganhou a medalha pois correu em 11h 01 27 seg . mas voltou com a experiência incrível de percorrer as estradas Sul africanas e como prêmio ganhou da empresa em que trabalhava uma viagem para correr a maratona de Nova Iorque (EUA).
Leia mais: http://www.carlosdiasultra.com.br/