ACEA Run Rome The Marathon of 29 March has been cancelled

ROME – This is a message that Acea Run Rome The Marathon would never have liked to write, but unfortunately, following the health emergency that we are facing and the government ordinance, ACEA Run Rome The Marathon of 29 March has been cancelled.

We at Acea Run Rome The Marathon have worked a lot in the past months, we did so with professionalism and passion. We changed name, logo and interface with the idea of changing the marathon and the whole village. A big course with music and surprises were prepared and we were sure to amaze the marathon runners from all over the world.

Acea Run Rome The Marathon was with the runners in the free Get ready training sessions organised in Rome and many other Italian cities. We shared laughs, emotions, projects, and most of all time goals for the race. Their photographs,  videos and training sessions were reposted thousands of times.

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