Shopee – Mochilas de Hidratação
Veja ofertas de Mochila de Hidratação na Shopee
Veja ofertas de Mochila de Hidratação na Shopee
Veja ofertas de Mochila de Hidratação na Shopee
Veja ofertas de Mochila de Hidratação na Shopee
É uma corrida de trekking de montanha onde os atletas devem optar, no momento da inscrição, entre as distâncias de 80km, 53km, 35km e 15Km. A corrida é livre, sem paradas obrigatórias e os corredores podem correr ou caminhar, parar e descansar onde e quando quiserem.
A La Misión Brasil é uma corrida que deve ser feita na forma de autossuficiência, isso significa que os corredores devem levar todo o seu equipamento obrigatório, hidratação, vestuário e alimentos durante a corrida.
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Participation applications for Spartathlon 2023 will begin on January 25, 2023 and will finish on February 25, 2023.
To participate in Spartathlon, runners need to be at least 18 years old, healthy and sufficiently trained. Participants assume full responsibility for their health status, before and during the race.
In order to participate in the Race, runners must be officially admitted by the International Spartathlon Association (ISA) and registered.
Rules and Regulation, and legally binding documents can be provided upon request only by the organizer (ISA) and its official associates. The ISA reserves the right to disqualify any runner or crew member for not complying with the race rules. Adherence to the race rules and the official instructions is a contractual obligation for all participants and their crews.
To apply to Spartathlon 2023, runners need to have fulfilled at least one (1) of the following criteria within the years 2021, 2022, 2023 (up to February 25th):
α) Cover a 120 km (men) or 110 km distance (women) within 12-hours.
b) Finish a 100-mile race in 21:00 hours (men) or 22:00 hours (women).
c) Finish Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run, within 24:00 hours (men) or 25:00 hours (women).
d) Cover at least 180 km (men) or 170 km (women) in a 24-hour race.
e) Finish a non-stop 200-220 km race within 29:00 hours (men) or 30:00 hours (women).
f) Finish UltraBalaton (221 km) in 31:00 hours (men) or 32:00 hours (women)
g) Finish a longer than 220 km non-stop race within 36:00 hours (men) or 37:00 hours (women).
h) Finish Badwater race within 39:00 hours (men) or 40:00 hours (women).
i) Finish Grand Union Canal Race within 34:00 hours (men) or 35:00 hours (women).
j) Finish Sakura Michi 250-km race in 36:00 hours
k) Finish Yamaguchi 100 Hagi-O-Kan Maranic 250-km race within 42:00 hours (men) or 43:00 hours (women).
l) Cover a distance of at least 280 km (men) or 260 km (women) in a 48-hour race.
a) Finish Spartathlon race within 36:00 hours.
b) Finish Olympian Race Nemea-Olympia within 27:00 hours (men) or 28:00 hours (women).
c) Finish Eychidios Hyperathlos 215 km within 33:00 hours (men) or 34:00 hours (women).
d) Finish “ROUT” Rodopi Advendurun 100-mile race within 32:00 hours (men) or 33:00 hours (women).
e) Finish Dolichos Race Delphi-Olympia 255 km within 42:00 hours (men) or 43:00 hours (women).
f) Finish VFUT Paranesti 100 miles race within 32:00 hours (men) or 33:00 hours (women).
g) Finish Dromos Athanaton 142 km race within 17:00 hours men or 18:00 hours (women).
h) Finish FROZEN PEAKS 261 km race within 60:00 hours.
In order for an entry application to be taken into consideration, the runner must meet at least one (1) of the previous criteria during an official non-stop race, the results of which can be accessed online, on the organizer’s website, any athletic website, or on the online database of DUV. The link needs to be included in the Entry Application Form.
Important note:
a) Custom-made certifications, issued by the race organizer or a timing company, for split times of individual runners are not accepted. In order for a split time to be accepted, it should be timed and officially provided online for all participants of that given race.
b) A qualifying performance needs to be achieved in a race of at least 5 finishers, in order to be accepted.
c) Performances achieved in other races / distances / events, than the ones explicitly mentioned in section 2 are not accepted, even if they are harder to achieve.
Participation applications for Spartathlon 2023 will begin on January 25, 2023 and will finish on February 25, 2023.
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1.1 – A prova pedestre 2ª MEIA MARATONA INTERNACIONAL DE GUARULHOS, será realizada no dia 30 de julho de 2023 na cidade de Guarulhos por PESSOAS DE TODOS OS SEXOS devidamente inscritas, aqui denominadas ATLETAS, independente da condição climática.
Deste EVENTO fazem parte:
a – CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL, com medida oficial de 21.097m, doravante denominada MEIA MARATONA.
b – CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL, com medida aproximada de 10.000m, doravante denominada CORRIDA 10K.
c – CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL, com medida aproximada de 5.000m, doravante denominada CORRIDA 5K.
1.2 – O local da ARENA, LARGADA e CHEGADA do EVENTO será no Bosque Maia – Av. Paulo Faccini, s/nº – Centro – Guarulhos, conforme percurso divulgado no site oficial do EVENTO.
OBSERVAÇÃO: Poderá a ORGANIZAÇÃO, a seu critério, por necessidade técnica do EVENTO, impedimentos legais, situações de adequação do viário da cidade em atendimento à municipalidade e órgãos públicos, alterar o percurso da CORRIDA, locais de Largada, Chegada e horários.
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Winston Churchill was a British politician, military leader and statesman, who is best known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II. Here are some of his most famous quotes:
“Never give up, never give up, never give up.”
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”
1.1 – A prova pedestre 25ª MEIA MARATONA INTERNACIONAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO – RIO DE JANEIRO HALF MARATHON, doravante denominada EVENTO, será realizada no dia 20 de agosto de 2023 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro por PESSOAS DE TODOS OS SEXOS devidamente inscritas, aqui denominadas ATLETAS, independente da condição climática.
Deste EVENTO fazem parte:
a – A CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL, com medida de 21.097m, doravante denominada MEIA MARATONA.
b – A CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL, com medida de 5.00m, doravante denominada CORRIDA 5K.
1.2 – A LARGADA da MEIA MARATONA será realizada no cruzamento da Avenida Delfim Moreira com Avenida Borges de Medeiros próximo ao Jardim de Alah no bairro do Leblon, conforme percurso detalhado e divulgado no site oficial do EVENTO.
1. 3 – A CHEGADA da MEIA MARATONA será na Praça Cuauhtemoc – Aterro do Flamengo, conforme percurso detalhado divulgado no site do EVENTO.
1.4 – A LARGADA da CORRIDA 5K será no Aterro do Flamengo (Praça Arquiteto Laércio Sampaio, em frente as quadras de society) e a CHEGADA no Aterro do Flamengo (mesmo local da Meia Maratona), conforme percurso detalhado divulgado no site do EVENTO.
OBSERVAÇÃO: Poderá a ORGANIZAÇÃO, a seu critério, por necessidade técnica da corrida, impedimentos legais, situações de adequação do viário da cidade em atendimento à municipalidade e órgãos públicos, alterar o percurso da prova, locais de largada, chegada e horários.
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