Mês: junho 2023
Maratona de Salvador – 25/09/2023 – Setembro
Para a quarta edição da Maratona Salvador são aguardados centenas de corredores de diferentes níveis técnicos e performances, com uma mega estrutura disponível para atender todos de forma única e especial.
Já escolheu qual a distância que você vai correr? 5k, 10k, 21k ou 42k? Estamos te esperando no dia 25 de setembro para uma experiência única na maior e mais bela orla atlântica do Brasil.
Leia mais sobre : https://maratonasalvador.com/
Arrowhead 135 winter ultramarathon 2023
The Arrowhead 135 is a challenging ultramarathon race that takes place annually in the state of Minnesota, United States. The race covers a distance of 135 miles (approximately 217 km) along a course that traverses treacherous frozen trails and forests during the North American winter.
Participants of the Arrowhead 135 face extreme conditions such as sub-zero temperatures, biting winds, and deep snow. The race is known to test the physical and mental endurance of competitors, requiring navigation skills and the use of specialized equipment to deal with the harsh weather.
The race course primarily follows the Arrowhead State Trail, a winding trail that cuts through forests, swamps, and frozen lakes. Athletes can choose from three disciplines: winter fat bike racing, running, or skiing. Each category has its own challenges and requires specific preparation.
The Arrowhead 135 attracts participants from around the world, ranging from elite athletes to adventure sports enthusiasts. Competitors must be prepared to tackle the challenges of the climate and the wild nature, as well as possess survival and self-sufficiency skills.
For more information about the Arrowhead 135, you can visit the official race website at the following link: arrowheadultra.com
60 BEST QUOTES – ” In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive. ” Lee Iacocca