Categoria: English
Fat Man to Green Man: From Unfit to Ultramarathon
Fat Man to Green Man: From Unfit to Ultramarathon
Despite believing he was bionic as a child, Ira Rainey was far from an elite athlete with superhuman running abilities like the ones he read about in books. He was in fact an overweight and unfit slacker who felt a bit sorry for himself because he had sore feet.
Sure he ran a bit, but he also sat around a lot and ate and drank too much. Why? Because he could, and because he was a delusional optimist who thought everything would always be just fine.
That was until a friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given months to live. It was an event that would push Ira to tackle his apathy towards life and take on the challenge of becoming an ultramarathon runner, pushing himself to go further than he had ever gone before.
Fat Man to Green Man is a warm and humorous account of one man’s quest to uncover his true super powers as he journeys from fat to fit and covering everything that came between the two.
Spartathlon – 246 Km – 30 Setembro-01 Agosto de 2016

Spartathlon is the event that brings this deed to attention today by drawing a legend out of the depths of history. The idea for its creation is belongs to John Foden, a British RAF Wing Commander. As a lover of Greece and student of ancient Greek history, Foden stopped his reading of Herodotus’ narration regarding Pheidippides, puzzled and wondering if a modern man could cover the distance from Athens to Sparta, i.e. 250 kms, within 36 hours.
Spartathlon é o evento que traz esta escritura de atenção hoje desenhando uma lenda das profundezas da história. A ideia para a sua criação é pertence a John Foden , a RAF Wing Commander britânico. Como um amante da Grécia e estudante de história grega antiga , Foden parou sua leitura da narração de Heródoto sobre Pheidippides , confuso e se perguntando se um homem moderno poderia cobrir a distância de Atenas a Esparta, ou seja, 250 kms , dentro de 36 horas .
Ultramarathon Race ATHENS – SPARTA 246 klm
SPARTATHLON is a historic ultra-distance foot race that takes place in September of every year in Greece. It is one of the most difficult and satisfying ultra-distance races in the world because of its unique history and background.
Spartathlon é uma corrida a pé ultra- distância histórica que ocorre em setembro de cada ano , na Grécia. É uma das corridas ultra- distância mais difíceis e gratificantes no mundo por causa de sua história única
Veja lista dos inscritos em 2016 atualizada em 27 de maio de 2016 :
Veja lista de Espera para participação na Spartathlon :
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The Story of America’s Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine
The story of America’s greatest running legend.
For five years, no American runner could beat him at any distance over a mile. But at the age of 24, with his best years still ahead, long-distance runner Steve Prefontaine finally lost. Driving alone at night after a party, Prefontaine crashed his sports car, putting a tragic, shocking end to the life and career of one of the most influential, accomplished runners of our time.
More than 20 years later, Pre continues to influence the running world.Read More
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The best pace is a suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die
The best pace is a suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die. Steve Prefontaine

The story of America’s greatest running legend.
For five years, no American runner could beat him at any distance over a mile. But at the age of 24, with his best years still ahead, long-distance runner Steve Prefontaine finally lost. Driving alone at night after a party, Prefontaine crashed his sports car, putting a tragic, shocking end to the life and career of one of the most influential, accomplished runners of our time.
More than 20 years later, Pre continues to influence the running world.Read More
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Amazon – Fire HD 6, 6″ HD Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB
UTMB – Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc 2017 Registration

The Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® is an event, the essence of which is to offer several events deep in the countryside, making use of the well trodden paths of the Mont Blanc and Beaufort regions. Each event is run in one stage, at one’s own speed, but within a time limit.
- The UTMB® [Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®]: around 170km with about 10,000 metres of height gain, starts from Chamonix, in semi-autonomy and in 46:30 hours maximum.
- The CCC® [Courmayeur-Champex-Chamonix] around 101km with about 6,100 metres height gain, starts from Courmayeur, in semi-autonomy and in 26 hours maximum and 30 minutes.
- The TDS® [Sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie]: around 119km with about 7,200 metres height gain, starts from Courmayeur, in semi-autonomy and in 33 hours maximum.
- The OCC [Orsières-Champex-Chamonix] around 55km for about 3,300 metres of height gain, starts from Orsières, in semi-autonomy within a maximum of 14 hours.
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Ultramarathon Running Injuries: Niggles, Scrapes and Nipple Chafes
Some athletes get proper injuries. This is not a book about these. Go and see a professional if you have one. This is about the minor, irritating and downright weird stuff that happens when you try to race other people of questionable sanity over long distances in beautiful settings.
You may have had some of these, you may have had all of these. This is a survival guide to help get you to across that finish line and to the start line of the next one.
If it hurts a lot – you probably need to take time off training.
If it hurts a bit – and you want to whinge a bit about it, do so. You are probably fine to carry on. This is a book about these injuries. These knocks, niggles and yes, chafed nipples.
Normal ultramarathon injuries come from the wear and tear ordinary mortals sustain running an ultramarathon.
– When you run big distances, it will hurt. Probably a lot.
– If it were easy, you probably wouldn’t be as drawn to it.
– If you have many ultras and a few hundred milers under your belt, you don’t need to read this book.
– If you are built of steel and don’t mind a bit of discomfort, then don’t bother with this book either. You will be fine and the pain will fade. READ MORE – Ultramarathon Running Injuries: Niggles, Scrapes and Nipple Chafes
Yiannis Kouros – Alguém vai superar seus recordes?
Yiannis Kouros

Lore of Running gives you incomparable detail on physiology, training, racing, injuries, world-class athletes, and races.
Author Tim Noakes blends the expertise of a physician and research scientist with the passion of a dedicated runner to answer the most pressing questions for those who are serious about the sport: READ MORE – Lore of Running, 4th Edition
Badwater® 135 – 2016
“The World’s Toughest Foot Race”
Covering 135 miles (217km) non-stop from Death Valley to Mt. Whitney, CA, the STYR Labs Badwater® 135 is the most demanding and extreme running race offered anywhere on the planet. The start line is at Badwater, Death Valley, which marks the lowest elevation in North America at 280’ (85m) below sea level. The race finishes at Whitney Portal at 8,300’ (2530m). The Badwater 135 course covers three mountain ranges for a total of 14,600’ (4450m) of cumulative vertical ascent and 6,100’ (1859m) of cumulative descent. Whitney Portal is the trailhead to the Mt. Whitney summit, the highest point in the contiguous United States. Competitors travel through places or landmarks with names like Mushroom Rock, Furnace Creek, Salt Creek, Devil’s Cornfield, Devil’s Golf Course, Stovepipe Wells, Panamint Springs, Keeler, Alabama Hills, and Lone Pine.

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A Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon
The Badwater Ultra-marathon is commonly referred to as the toughest footrace on the planet. In 2003, defending champion Pam Reed, Dean Karnazes and 71 other runners took the ultimate challenge of running 135 miles in California from Badwater to the portals of Mount Whitney. Their journey would take them through the hostile environment of Death Valley and subject them to temperatures ranking among the highest ever recorded on earth. Twenty-five runners tell of their adventures in arguably the absolute toughest of the roughest footrace on the plane – the good, the bad and yes, the ugly – in this incredible and fascinating compilation. You are certain to gain a respect for the runners you will meet and perhaps an even greater respect for the area known as Death Valley. The runners who Read More
BR 135 + realizada em 2016 Resultados

135 Miles – 48 Hours Cut Off
160 Miles*- 62.5
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BR 135+ Em 21 a 23 de Janeiro – 160 milhas – mais info:
Bib 1056 – Edson de Oliveira Cavalcante

I finished the race 135 miles from BR 135 + Conclui os 217 Km da BR 135+
Resultado da BR135+ 2016 em