THE 2019 Edition of the 6633 Arctic Ultra

The non-stop self-sufficient foot race is over a distance of either 120 miles or 380 miles, with both races crossing the line of the Arctic Circle.

The 120 mile race finishes at the First Nations Hamlet of Fort McPherson, whilst the longer 380 mile race continues to the banks of the Arctic Ocean at Tuktoyaktuk.
The race starts at Eagle Plains Hotel which is approximately 225 miles from the Dawson junction on the Klondike Highway. It is a solitary hotel and fuel stop and is the only oasis for a meal, bed and gas until you reach the First Nations Hamlet of Fort McPherson. You will receive a very warm welcome here from both the Owner and staff and you will hopefully also get a good night’s sleep the night before the start.

The start line is directly outside the hotel amid stunning scenery with the beautiful Richardson Mountains to your right.

On starting the race, you immediately descend gently through Arctic stunted forest for about 10km to the bridge at Eagle River. On crossing the bridge, the road bears right and ascends quite steeply at first and then less so for about 10km, whereupon the landscape becomes more exposed to the notorious winds, but if climatic conditions allow will afford you some of the most stunning scenery you will see anywhere in the World. At 20km the Dempster doubles as an emergency airstrip which is seldom used, but please be aware that aircraft DO occasionally use this facility. This hilly landscape from here continues until the first checkpoint at the Arctic Circle at 712m above sea level. Weather permitting, you will have the most awesome views of the most stunning, remote and inhospitable landscape our planet has to offer.

From the Arctic Circle, the route continues to rise and fall and is best described as undulating (although many veteran athletes of this event will suggest that mountainous is a more appropriate description). Approaching Glacier Creek it’s a little exposed with possible cross winds. It remains quite open past 50km with long open flat stretches.

This whole stretch is affectionately known as Hurricane Alley, and with good reason. The potential is there for EXTREMELY strong Katabatic winds. Lorries using the Dempster are regularly blown over and any human caught in these winds could quite literally be forced to crawl. When the winds are blowing (see video clip on the gallery page of a day when it was open and you will then appreciate the severity of what is being described), the road is usually closed to vehicles.

At 64.2km there is a significant and very noticeable “Big Dipper” in the trail which is sign posted as Sheep Creek. At 77km there is a Highways open shelter on your right which you are free to shelter in if necessary, but a little further on your left (300 metres) is Rock River Campground – for 2016 subject to the camp ground being ploughed we will have a staging post here where athletes can at the very least get minimal respite from the wind and cold. This is NOT an official checkpoint and therefore no water will be provided.

At 83km the route once again becomes exposed to possible severe winds and is a likely to be the toughest part of the race all the way through to the steep ascent to Wright Pass at 92km. At the top of the Pass is the border with the North West Territories and you are reminded to put your watches FORWARD one hour! The second checkpoint is approx 14km further on at the Highways Depot at James Creek.

On leaving James Creek, at 120km you will pass through a most stunning gorge where the frozen river is a beautiful ice blue. It really is fantastic to see, although in 2013 there was for the first time in this race a small section of overflow so be aware. The route then descends towards Midway Lake, where there is likely to be sections of spindrift across the route.

At 149km there is another emergency airstrip on the trail, although highly unlikely to be in use.

At about 160km you will catch the first sight of the McKenzie Delta below you and from this point onwards the trail descends to the Peel River ice crossing at 174km. This is another very pretty part of the route. On crossing the Ice Bridge, the route changes to relatively flat for the last 10km into Fort McPherson and the finish line of the 120 Miler or Checkpoint 4 if you are racing all the way to Tuktoyaktuk.

Fort McPherson is a small First Nation community and subject to confirmation we will be once again using the School Hall within the Hamlet.

On leaving Fort McPherson, the racers will now be racing on a brand new route to the finish line at Tuktoyaktuk. From this first nations hamlet, the athletes will proceed out onto a small private Ice Road that meanders its way for the next 100 miles (approx.) to Aklavik. This area of the Northwest Territories is very remote, but the proximity of the wooded banks along the route should provide some much appreciated protection from the winds. Roughly halfway along this section will be another checkpoint.

From Aklavik, the route will again continue with solid ice underfoot, albeit a wider and more exposed section of Ice Road. With this section of the race being approx. 75 miles, this will be a non-stop section all the way to Inuvik (to replicate the “popular” section to Swimming Point from previous years). Once arriving in Inuvik, the athletes will benefit from a comfortable checkpoint at Arctic Chalets where showers, warm rooms, beds and cooking facilities are available.

The final stretch of the race is approx. 100 miles long and will be from Inuvik to the finish line at Tuktoyaktuk over the newly opened (November 2017) overland permanent road. Similar to the first 120 miles of the race, this road is a hard packed “forest” type trail that winds its way through the myriad of lakes strewn over the McKenzie Delta. Where any tree cover exists, they will be stunted by the cold and will offer little protection from the winds that can affect the area. A midway checkpoint will be provided, albeit it will merely comprise a sheltered trailer for a short period of recovery before you blast your way to the finish line. It is the most remote, barren, yet stunningly beautiful place we have ever had the fortune to visit, it is purely magical, and will make the memories of this race ones which will stay with you all your lives.

Although you will be arriving in Tuktoyaktuk via a new route, the finish line will once again be on the banks of the Arctic Ocean.

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Fat Dog 120 Trail Race August 10-12, 2018

Most scenic ultra race in Canada. Join us for a challenging point to point race that straddles 3 stunning provincial parks in British Columbia, Canada in the Cascade Mountains. Just short of Everest for elevation gain; Fat Dog 120 mile is 8682 metres, Everest is 8848 metres.
120 miles, 70 mile, 50 mile, 40 mile, and 9 relay legs varying from 7 km to 38 km. See Race Guide for detailed breakdown.
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Solo 5K
Solo 10K
Solo 20K
Solo 40K
Relay Corporativo 20 – 4 atletas (1 volta de 5K por atleta )
Relay Corporativo 40 – 4 atletas (2 voltas de 5K por atleta)
Relay Corporativo 80 – 4 atletas (4 voltas de 5K por atleta)
A inscrição em uma das provas que compõe a ULTRAMARATONA DE RUA BRAZIL 135 é pessoal e intransferível, não podendo qualquer pessoa ser substituída por outra, em qualquer situação. O atleta que ceder seu BIB (número de peito) para outra pessoa e não comunicar aos organizadores do evento formalmente por escrito será responsável por qualquer acidente ou dano que esta venha a sofrer, isentando o atendimento e qualquer responsabilidade da organização da prova, seus patrocinadores, apoiadores e órgãos públicos envolvidos na prova.
As provas estão com inscrições abertas nos seguintes sites:


ULTRAMARATONA DE RUA BRAZIL 135 – TERESINA serão realizadas no dia 29 de Setembro de 2018

Solo 5K
Solo 10K
Solo 20K
Solo 40K
Relay Corporativo 20 – 4 atletas (1 volta de 5K por atleta )
Relay Corporativo 40 – 4 atletas (2 voltas de 5K por atleta)
Relay Corporativo 80 – 4 atletas (4 voltas de 5K por atleta)
A inscrição em uma das provas que compõe a ULTRAMARATONA DE RUA BRAZIL 135 é pessoal e intransferível, não podendo qualquer pessoa ser substituída por outra, em qualquer situação. O atleta que ceder seu BIB (número de peito) para outra pessoa e não comunicar aos organizadores do evento formalmente por escrito será responsável por qualquer acidente ou dano que esta venha a sofrer, isentando o atendimento e qualquer responsabilidade da organização da prova, seus patrocinadores, apoiadores e órgãos públicos envolvidos na prova.
As provas estão com inscrições abertas nos seguintes sites:

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As provas que compõem o evento ULTRAMARATONA DE RUA BRAZIL 135 – EXPOFEIRA MACAPÁ serão realizadas no dia 25 de Agosto de 2018, na cidade de Macapá, com qualquer condição climática, tendo a participação de atletas regularmente inscritos de ambos os sexos, ficando sua largadas acontecendo da seguinte forma:
Largada: Parque de Exposição Agropecuária Expofeira – Rod Juscelino Kubitschek, Distrito de Fazendinha, Macapá, AP, às 7h00
SOLO e RELAY CORPORATIVO (Revezamento), são as únicas categorias existentes na Ultramaratona de Rua BR135.
Não haverá distinção entre categorias de atletas por sexo ou faixa etária.
Cadeirantes, Cegos, Amputados e quaiser ouras classificações existentes de atletas, não definidas aqui, participantes da Ultramaratona de Rua Brazil 135, são considerados ultramaratonistas.
TODOS os ultramaratonistas serão tratados igualmente.
Não haverá nenhum tipo de Pontos de Apoio ao longo do percurso.
O apoio aos atletas será dado somente no Ponto de Concentração da Prova (PC)
O atleta deve estar preparado para ser AUTO SUFICIENTE ao longo do percurso.
Não haverá entrega de Troféus e nenhuma outra forma de premiação diferentes daquelas contantes do item 9 do regulamento.
Solo 5K
Solo 10K
Solo 20K
Solo 40K
Relay Corporativo 20 – 4 atletas (1 volta de 5K por atleta )
Relay Corporativo 40 – 4 atletas (2 voltas de 5K por atleta)
Relay Corporativo 80 – 4 atletas (4 voltas de 5K por atleta)
A prova está  com inscrição aberta nos seguintes sites:

Ultra de Rua Parque Altamiro de Moura Pacheco – 13 de outubro de 2018

Ultra de Rua Parque Altamiro de Moura Pacheco – 13 de outubro de 2018

As provas que compõem o evento ULTRAMARATONA DE RUA – BR135 PARQUE ESTADUAL ALTAMIRO DE MOURA PACHECO serão realizadas no dia 13 de Outubro de 2018, na cidade de Goianópolis, com qualquer condição climática, tendo a participação de atletas regularmente inscritos de ambos os sexos, ficando sua largadas acontecendo da seguinte forma:
Largada: Parque Estadual Altamiro de Moura Pacheco Endereço: BR 060/153, Km 127, S/n, Zona Rural – Goianápolis – GO, às 7h00
SOLO e RELAY CORPORATIVO (Revezamento), são as únicas categorias existentes na Ultramaratona de Rua BR135.
Não haverá distinção entre categorias de atletas por sexo ou faixa etária.
Cadeirantes, Cegos, Amputados e quaiser ouras classificações existentes de atletas, não definidas aqui, participantes da Ultramaratona de Rua Brazil 135, são considerados ultramaratonistas.
TODOS os ultramaratonistas serão tratados igualmente.
Não haverá nenhum tipo de Pontos de Apoio ao longo do percurso.
O apoio aos atletas será dado somente no Ponto de Concentração da Prova (PC)
O atleta deve estar preparado para ser AUTO SUFICIENTE ao longo do percurso.
Não haverá entrega de Troféus e nenhuma outra forma de premiação diferentes daquelas contantes do item 9 do regulamento.
Solo 5K
Solo 10K
Solo 20K
Solo 40K
Relay Corporativo 20 – 4 atletas (1 volta de 5K por atleta )
Relay Corporativo 40 – 4 atletas (2 voltas de 5K por atleta)
Relay Corporativo 80 – 4 atletas (4 voltas de 5K por atleta)
A prova está  com inscrição aberta nos seguintes sites:

ULTRAMARATONA DE RUA BRAZIL 135 -2018 – Escolha a sua!



Macapá – 25 de Agosto de 2018

Guarapuava- 22 de Setembro de 2018

Teresina – 29 de Setembro de 2018

Goiânia – 13 de Outubro de 2018

São Carlos – 10 de Novembro de 2018

Solo 5K
Solo 10K
Solo 20K
Solo 40K
Relay Corporativo 20 – 4 atletas (1 volta de 5K por atleta )
Relay Corporativo 40 – 4 atletas (2 voltas de 5K por atleta)
Relay Corporativo 80 – 4 atletas (4 voltas de 5K por atleta)
A inscrição em uma das provas que compõe a ULTRAMARATONA DE RUA BRAZIL 135 é pessoal e intransferível, não podendo qualquer pessoa ser substituída por outra, em qualquer situação. O atleta que ceder seu BIB (número de peito) para outra pessoa e não comunicar aos organizadores do evento formalmente por escrito será responsável por qualquer acidente ou dano que esta venha a sofrer, isentando o atendimento e qualquer responsabilidade da organização da prova, seus patrocinadores, apoiadores e órgãos públicos envolvidos na prova.
As provas estão com inscrições abertas nos seguintes sites:

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The Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra 2019 will start on February 3rd

Race course
The Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra will follow the Yukon Quest trail, the trail of the world’s toughest Sled Dog Race.

The marathon finishes at Muktuk Adventures just off the Takhini River. The 100 mile racers will go from Whitehorse to Braeburn. The 300 mile racers will keep on going all the way to Pelly Farm. There they will leave the river to turn around and go back to Pelly Crossing on the farm road. The 430 mile participants go all the way to Dawson City.

The trail will be marked. However, if there is fresh snow or a lot of wind it will be difficult to find the trail. If you want to enhance your ability to understand your orientation, we recommend you use a GPS. You will find necessary co-ordinates and more information on the race course in the “Trail Description” (see “Service” section).

Start time, date and location
The Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra 2019 will start on February 3rd. The time for the start is 10:30 AM.

We will start at Shipyard’s Park in Whitehorse next to the Yukon river. A detailed description of the location is given at the race briefing. If there is not sufficient snow cover on the sidewalks we will provide transportation for the pulk sleds. Timing for this will be announced at the race briefing.

Preliminary pre-Race schedule for 2019
January 31st, 2019
16:00 – 18:00 Hand-Out of the rental gear, Coast High Country Inn (Room: tbc.)

February 1st, 2019
09:00 – 12:00 Hand-in of any missing paper work, hand-out of SPOT units, maps, race bibs, filling-in and signing of CARA waiver, Coast High Country Inn (Room: tbc.)
12:30 – 15:00 Meet & Greet – a chance for athletes to meet each other and ask questions , Coast High Country Inn (Room: tbc.)
17:00 – 22:00 Gear check I – details and room tbc.
18:00 – 19:00 Briefing for volunteers, Coast High Country Inn (Room: tbc.)

February 2nd, 2019
08:00 – 09:00 De-brief of the training course, Coast High Country Inn (Room: tbc.)
09:00 – 11:00 Official trail and SPOT briefing for all ultra distance athletes, Coast High Country Inn (Room: tbc.)
11:30 – 14:00 Gear check II – details and room tbc.
16:00 – 17:00 Official trail briefing and hand-in of any missing paper work, hand-out of maps, race bibs, filling-in of CARA waiver for all marathon athletes
from 17:00 Pre-race dinner for all athletes and volunteers, Coast High Counry Inn (Room: tbc.)
Drop bags can be handed in at the Coast High Country Inn (Room: tbc.) from 17:00 until 22:00.

February 3rd, 2019
10:30 Start of the Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra, Shipyard’s Park, Whitehorse

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The 12th annual KEYS100 will be held the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, May 18 and 19, 2019.

The 12th annual KEYS100 will be held the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, May 18 and 19, 2019. The event is a series of point-to-point races, beginning in Key Largo for the 100-mile races, in Marathon for the 50 mile race and in Big Pine Key for the 50 kilometer race, all finishing in Key West on the Atlantic Ocean at Higgs Beach. KEYS100 also promotes charitable fundraising for “The Cancer Foundation of the Florida Keys” in support of their educational work and outreach, free screenings and direct support of cancer patients and their families throughout the Keys. Individual runners and teams are invited to earn a refund of their full race entry fee by raising funds for the “Foundation”. (Visit the “Registration” page for details.) KEYS100 includes four distinct competitions: individual races of 100 miles, 50 miles and 50 kilometers, and our original Florida Keys six runner 100 mile team relay race. In the individual races, runners may compete with a support crew or without. Eleven (11) full aid stations serve all individual runners; these are located at approximately ten (10) mile intervals. In addition, coolers with ice and water are positioned at approximately five (5) mile intervals. People competing without a crew may place drop bags with personal gear at aid stations along the route. THE FOLLOWING RUNNER LIMITS WILL APPLY FOR 2019: 300 IN THE INDIVIDUAL 100 MILE RACE; 200 IN THE 50 MILE RACE; 250 IN THE 50 KILOMETER RACE; 125 TOTAL TEAMS, INCLUDING MILITARY

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The Grand to Grand Ultra – 23 – 29 SEPTEMBER 2018 GRAND CANYON, USA – 6 STAGES, 7 DAYS, 170 MILES (273 KM)

6 STAGES, 7 DAYS, 170 MILES (273 KM)
The Grand to Grand Ultra and the Mauna to Mauna Ultra are the culmination of our vision to create world-class stage events in two of the remotest locations – the remotest place in America and the remotest place in the world.

We searched high and low for the most iconic courses possible. It was the unique opportunity to organize an event that would stretch from the Grand Canyon, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, to the summit of the relatively unknown but equally geologically iconic Grand Staircase, that settled the location for G2G.

After several more years of research and scouting, we decided that we had to create a race on the remotest archipelago in the world. It has everything for an amazing stage race – tough and varied terrain, beauty, the world’s tallest and largest mountains, the world’s most active volcano, and 11 of the world’s 13 climate zones. It was the creation of M2M.

We bring over 50 years of event management, business building and ultramarathon experience to bear on this unique event. We are delighted to have an extremely well qualified staff who round out the Grand to Grand Ultra executive team and a council of advisors consisting of some of the world’s most elite ultramarathoners, who continuously provide the guidance to design and execute the world’s premier stage events.

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