VI ULTRA MARATONA Morretes-Guaraqueçaba – 26/05/2018 – sábado

De dificuldade elevada com vários trechos de subida e descida em duas serras diferentes, vide altimetria

1) 105 km – Sendo 27.5km de asfalto e o restante em estrada de terra. São 1.150 mt de subidas com grau de inclinação máxima de nível 7 em 2 trechos, e em 1km há um aumento de altitude entre 60 e 70 mt

2) 80 km – Sendo 80km em estrada de terra

3) 52 km – Sendo 52km estrada de terra


1) SURVIVOR sem apoio próprio (de carro ou moto)

– liberdade de ritmo e descanso

– NÃO poderão receber apoio de carro próprio e de terceiros (salvo caso de emergência)
– o apoio se necessário vem dos carros da organização e dos pontos de apoio fixos

2) WARRIOR com apoio próprio (de carro ou moto)

– liberdade de ritmo e descanso

– podem receber apoio de seus carros de apoio, dos carros da organização e dos pontos de apoio fixos
Obs.: qualquer carro segue nessa estrada, não precisa ser veiculo traçado, jipe ou off-road . . . .


Permitido para os ‘survivors’ deixar seus pertences adicionais (alimentação e hidratação) nos pontos de apoio, devidamente acondicionado em embalagem própria, em sacos plásticos devidamente identificado com o nome do atleta e o ponto a ser deixado, isso deve ser entregue a organização em até 30 min antes da largada no dia da prova, todo esse material não retorna ao atleta e será descartado.

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Bertioga x Maresias – Aconteceu no sábado 19 de Maio de 2018

Bertioga x Maresias – Sábado 19 de Maio de 2018 – Veja os horários das largadas.

Retirada de Kit

São Paulo

Datas: 15 e 16.05

Horário: 10h às 19h

Local: Av. Pavão, 342 – Moema, São Paulo – SP, 04516-010



Data: 18.05

Horário: 15h às 18h30

Local: Forte de Bertioga

Mais informações no site:

Ultramaratona de Comrades 2018: A ultra mais famosa do mundo.

Percurso em descida – “DOWN RUN”
A Maratona de Comrades é conhecida como a “Ultimate Human Race”, pois atrai corredores de todas as faixas etárias e habilidades atléticas. É a ultramaratona mais famosa do mundo. O evento aconteceu pela primeira vez em 1921 em homenagem aos camaradas da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Além dos anos 1941-1945 (2 ª guerra mundial), quando o evento não aconteceu, mas tem acontecido a cada ano desde então. Este ano, 2017 é a 92ª corrida do evento.

A Comrades Marathon é uma corrida de ultra, 86,73 km (53,89 milhas) Ultra Maratona com data para domingo 10 de junho. A Maratona dos Comrades acontece anualmente em Kwazulu-Natal entre as cidades de Durban e Pietermaritzburg. O sentido da rota alterna a cada ano com a direção de Pietermaritzburg a Durban conhecida como a prova com descida e a direção de Durban a Pietermaritzburg conhecida como a prova ascendente.

A maioria dos corredores de Comrades têm uma preferência. Geralmente acredita-se que o up kinder, correr no sentido descida seja mais festivo.

A experiência de correr Comrades já foi inspiração para muitos e virou até dois aclamados livros que todo corredor, amador ou profissional, deve ler:

“Make Sure of Your Comrades Medal” de  Don Oliver   e
“Comrades Marathon – The Ultimate Human Race” de John Cameron-Dow

Leia mais sobre no:

Site da Corrida:

4th EDITION OF ULTRA TRAIL D’ANGKOR – 19 & 20 January 2019

The new routes, crossing varied numerous temples and villages, from narrow paths through dense vegetation, jungle, rice fields (sometimes with water up to the knee) and sandy tracks, have spiced up the 3rd edition of the Angkor Ultra Trail. The several testimonies we received after this race have inspired us to continue.

You will not only run with your eyes focused on your shoes, but also, you will enjoy the different travel proposals available, go to “Your trip” on our website:

As a reminder, several distances are available:

• Angkor Ultra Trail (UTA 128 km) *

• Angkor Bayon Trail (TA 64 km)

• Angkor Jungle Trail (TA 32 km)

• Angkor Temple Run (TA 16 km)

• Angkor Nordic Walking (NWA 16 km)

• Walking and hiking Angkor – 16 km (no time)

• The humanitary walking (8 km)


You can now subscribe online with different payment methods and be covered by your credit card insurance.

Your inscription will be possible via our new platform:


Thank you for your continued help in getting others (trailers and walkers) to know this race.

Hoping to see you for this fourth edition, SDPO sends its best regards.


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Comrades Substitution Process Closing

There are just hours remaining for aspirant Comrades runners to get their Substitution applications in before the process closes. The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has confirmed that the month-long process comes to an end at close of business on Wednesday, 25 April 2018.

Over 1500 successful substitution applications have been processed since opening on 26 March. The Substitution Rule allows for a runner who has not entered to substitute an entrant who has withdrawn, or intends to withdraw from the 2018 Comrades Marathon.

The cost of the Substitution application is R200,00. The Substitution rule is applicable to all entrants including South African, Rest of Africa and International on a like for like basis i.e.

  • An International entrant can only substitute with an International entrant
  • For the first time, athletes from Rest of Africa (ROA) will be able to substitute with SA runners or other Rest of Africa entrants
  • A South African entrant can substitute with a South African entrant or Rest of Africa entrant

Prospective substitutes are encouraged to do their applications online. Alternatively, they may send their completed applications via email to or hand deliver them to Comrades House in Pietermaritzburg. Please do not post forms.

For more details, please click through to


Ultramaratona Internacional Mantiqueira – Passa Quatro – MG – 9 a 11 de Novembro 2018

LOCAL/PERCURSO: Passa Quatro -MG / Pista de Atletismo Colégio São Miguel
DATA: DIAS 09-10-11 de Novembro 2018
LARGADA 48HS: 10:00hs do dia 09/11 Sexta Feira
LARGADA 24HS: 10:00hs do dia 10/11 Sábado
LARGADA 12HS: 22:00hs do dia 10/11 Sábado

Categorias, Modalidades e Número de Participantes
Individual 48 Horas 50 Atletas Ultramaratonista
Individual 24 Horas 50 Atletas Ultramaratonista
Individual 12 Horas 50 Atletas Ultramaratonista

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DESAFIO 12 HORAS – 2018 – Piracicaba -SP

Gaia Esportes
1. Local: Parque da Rua do Porto – Piracicaba – SP. A Organização poderá mudar o local da prova se houver necessidade.

2. Data: 21/04/2018

3. Percursos: Circuito de 1.200 metros

4. Horários:
Concentração: 7h00
Largada solo 12 horas e revezamentos 12 horas: 8:00
Largada solo 6 horas e revezamento 6 horas: 14:00
Largada solo 3 horas: 17:00

5. Taxa de Inscrição:

1º LOTE (até 31/01/2018)
Revezamentos/ Solo 6 Horas/ Solo 3 Horas: R$110,00
Solo 12 Horas: R$190,00

2º LOTE (de 01/02/2018 até 10/03/2018)
Revezamentos/ Solo 6 Horas/ Solo 3 Horas: R$140,00
Solo 12 Horas: R$250,00

3º LOTE (de 11/03/2018 até esgotar o limite de inscrições)
Revezamentos/ Solo 6 Horas/ Solo 3 Horas: R$160,00
Solo 12 Horas: R$310,00

Para as provas de solo 12 horas, 6 horas e 3 horas e dupla é obrigatório no ato da inscrição, apresentar um atestado médico e assinar na retirada de kit a declaração de aptidão para a prova.

6. Formas de Inscrição:

até dia 15/04/2018 ou até atingir o limite de 400 participantes.

7. Retirada do Chip:

Sexta feira (dia 20/04) – das 10h00 às 17h00
Local: Gaia Esportes (Rua Tiradentes, 495 – Centro – Piracicaba – SP)
No dia do evento será entregue kit/chip durante o período da prova.

Será concedido desconto de 50% (cinquenta por cento) na taxa de inscrição para pessoas maiores de 60 (sessenta) anos.

Em caso de desistência da participação no evento, o atleta tem 30 dias para pedir o reembolso da inscrição. A Organização irá reembolsar o valor pago da inscrição, retendo 20% desse valor.

8. Premiação:


Solo 3 Horas: Geral Masculino e Feminino: Troféus do 1º. ao 5º. Lugar

Solo 12 horas e Solo 6 horas: Geral Masculino e Feminino: Troféus do 1º. ao 5º. Lugar.

Medalhas aos três primeiros colocados das faixas etárias. Categoria Masculino: 16/29 anos; 30/39; 40/49; 50/59; e acima de 60 anos; Categoria Feminino: 16/29 anos; 30/39; 40/49; 50/59; e acima de 60 anos;

A faixa etária será determinada pelo ano de nascimento, ou seja, idade em 31/12/2018.

Dupla: Geral Masculino, Feminino e Misto: Troféus do 1º. ao 3º. Lugar.

Quarteto e Octeto: Categoria Mista, Feminino e Masculino: Troféus do 1º. ao 3º. Lugar.

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Arrowhead Ultra 135 -Jan 28th to 30th, 2019

The 15th annual AH135 will be Jan 28th to 30th, 2019. We will take race veteran apps starting 9-1-18 and rookie apps 10-1-18. Please make sure you have a qualifying race – see below. Our roster is limited to ~150 racers and fills quickly.

Gear check will be Jan 26th/27th. Please ensure you meet or exceed the qualifications listed below if you plan to race.

Completing one of the below accomplishments would typically qualify an entrant for this year’s Arrowhead Winter Ultra;

however, entry is not guaranteed. The race directors reserve the right to change the rules in the interest of safety and sportsmanship or for any reason deemed appropriate by the race officials. The race directors reserve the right to select entrants based on other important considerations, as well as due to the requirements of insurers, sponsors, the Minnesota State DNR and other regulatory
Basically, we look for both endurance and cold weather experience. Below are general guidelines.
Qualifying activities for runners:
Completing a prior Arrowhead 135, Tuscobia 160 or similar race.
Finishing 100 mile foot race or completed multi-sport event, including a 100 mile run. A race in winter conditions improves your odds of being selected and surviving.
Qualifying activities for bikers:
Complete a prior Arrowhead 135, Tuscobia 160, Susitna, or similar race.
Finishing 24 hour bike race, with minimum of 100 miles completed for off-road, or 200 miles on road. A race in winter conditions improves your odds of being selected and surviving.
Qualifying activities for skiers:
Complete a prior Arrowhead 135, Tuscobia 160, or similar race.
Finishing a 24 hour ski race with a minimum of 100 miles completed.

There are lots of articles, stories, and photo albums from racers, reporters, and volunteers. Go read them all.


33rd MARATHON DES SABLES – 06 to 16 April 2018 in southern Morocco


The 33rd MARATHON DES SABLES is organized by ATLANTIDE ORGANISATION Internationale and will take place from 06 to 16 April 2018 in southern Morocco. This 33rd annual event will take place under the aegis of the MOROCCAN MINISTRY OF TOURISM and will bring together around 1 300 French and foreign participants.



The 33rd MARATHON DES SABLES is a foot race, open to runners and walkers, with several stages, free style, and with food self-sufficiency over a distance of about 250 Km. Each participant must carry his/her own backpack containing food, sleeping gear and other material.



The 33rd MARATHON DES SABLES will be administered according to the general race regulations and their amendments (road book,…), to which all participants agree when they register.



Anyone meeting the following conditions will be accepted: over 18, any citizenship. Competitors must hold a medical certificate issued by the organization stating their ability to participate and a resting ECG report.
Teenagers over 16 may participate in the 33rd MARATHON DES SABLES subject to prior consent from ATLANTIDE ORGANISATION Internationale and written permission from a parent or guardian. They will have to meet the same requirements as adults.





CATEGORY A :Every entrant will be ranked. In addition to the general ranking, there will be placing for :

• females,
• veteran M1 (aged 40 – 49),
• veteran M2 (aged 50 – 59),
• veteran M3 (aged 60 – 69),
• veteran M4 (aged 70 – 79),
• veteran W1 (aged 40 to 49),
• veteran W2 (aged 50 to 59),
• veteran W3 (aged 60 to 69),
• veteran W4 (aged 70 to 79).

Classification is based on year of birth.

A team is made up of at least three runners. To remain in the race, all three members of the team must complete the race. However each member is recorded as an individual in the general ranking.



06 April: Departure for Morocco*, arrival, transfer bivouac.
07 April: Technical, administrative and medical formalities.
08 to 13 April: Timed stages with food self-sufficiency.
14 April: Timed, “Solidarity” stage with food self-sufficiency
15 April: Free day
16 April: Return to France.*

*Competitors not using the Paris flight may have to arrive a day earlier and return a day later depending on flight connections.

ATLANTIDE ORGANISATION Internationale reserves the right to modify:

• the regulations of the 33rd MARATHON DES SABLES,
• the aspect of the course (see ART. 21),
• the place and destination in case of forces beyond our control: weather, cataclysm, armed conflict, invasion in any form, lock-out…



These will take place on 07 April 2018.
Participants must present themselves to the race administrators and medical team responsible for carrying out these verifications. He or she must imperatively have fulfilled his or her technical, administrative and medical obligations (see ART. 24, 25, 27 & 28) before departure. At the control point, an exact list of each participant’s equipment must be established (i.e., compulsory items, personal belongings, food and caloric value, etc.). The race stewards are authorized at any time to check and supervise the participants’ backpacks. Individual items of the participant’s equipment as referred to in the above list is strictly personal. Any items missing from the list, whether thrown away, lost or stolen, shall be penalized. All competitors are responsible for their own equipment and they must therefore inform the organization of any missing item, failing which penalities could be levied (see ART. 27 and 28). Any found objects that remain unclaimed after 24 hours shall be disposed of, except for telephones, cameras and batteries. Each competitor is responsible for his/her own equipment.
During the race, none of the items in your backpack will be looked after by the organization.



During the administrative and technical registration, the organisation will provide each participant with:

• 2 breast plates bearing a number, approx. 18 cm x 16 cm
– one for upper part of the chest
– one for the back,to be attached to the backpack,
• a check-in card
• WAA ChronoTag (3)
• a distress beacon SPOT

These ID marks must be worn by the participants throughout the race and positioned according to the organization’s indications, failing which penalties will be issued. The race stewards may carry out checks at any time. It is formally forbidden to cover the organization’s race numbers with any other lettering. Each participant must ensure his/her ID marking is clear, entirely visible, in good condition and in the proper place, under pain of penalty (see ART. 27 and 28).The organization will provide competitors with spare tags in case of damage or loss. The distress beacon must be handed in at the end of the race. The loss of the distress beacon will incur a fine of 100 euro (see ART. 27 and 28).
Each participant agrees to adhere strictly to this rule, subject to serious penalty in the case of violation (see ART. 27 and 28).


7º ULTRADESAFIO 80 KM SANA 2018 – Macaé -RJ – 28/07/2018

7º Ultradesafio 80 Km, com prova Solo e Duplas, na Região Serrana de Macaé/RJ, percurso de com subidas e descidas e muita beleza natural, como Cachoeiras e muito verde!!

O atleta inscrito deverá esta no Sana no dia anterior a prova, pois a largada será às 05:00h.

Local: Largada Sana / Chegada Glicério
Percurso: 80 km de corrida
Largada: Largada na Praça da Igreja no Sana
Chegada: Na Praça de Glicério
Horário da Largada: às 05:00h

Organização: ASCOM (Associação dos Corredores de Rua de Macaé-RJ)

A PROVA, acontecerá em qualquer condição climática.

VAGAS LIMITADAS A 100 Inscritos, assim que as vagas se encerrarem as inscrições não poderão ser mais efetuadas.

Apresentação do ATESTADO MÉDICO, sem o atestado não poderá participar da prova.
Mochila de Hidratação.
BASTÃO (caso queira)

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