North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail

North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail

Scott Jurek is one of the world’s best known and most beloved ultrarunners. Renowned for his remarkable endurance and speed, accomplished on a vegan diet, he’s finished first in nearly all of ultrarunning’s elite events over the course of his career. But after two decades of racing, training, speaking, and touring, Jurek felt an urgent need to discover something new about himself. He embarked on a wholly unique challenge, one that would force him to grow as a person and as an athlete: breaking the speed record for the Appalachian Trail. North is the story of the 2,189-mile journey that nearly shattered him.

When he set out in the spring of 2015, Jurek anticipated punishing terrain, forbidding weather, and inevitable injuries. He would have to run nearly 50 miles a day, every day, for almost seven weeks. He knew he would be pushing himself to the limit, that comfort and rest would be in short supply — but he couldn’t have imagined the physical and emotional toll the trip would exact, nor the rewards it would offer.

READ MORE IN -> North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail

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More than 500 athletes from South Africa and around the world will aspire to be inducted into the Comrades Marathon Green Number Club. Since 1921, a total of 12,839 runners have completed the epic ultramarathon more than ten times each, thus earning their place on the coveted Comrades Green Number Roll of Honour.

Traditionally runners retain their race numbers from year to year, while after completing 10 Comrades Marathons, the runner is awarded his/her Green Number in perpetuity, meaning that it is henceforth reserved for its owner. It is also possible to earn a Green Number with either 3 Comrades wins or 5 Comrades gold medals.

The record for the most Comrades Marathon finishes is jointly held by Louis Massyn and Barry Holland who have completed 46; and Kleintjie Van Schalkwyk who has completed 34, considering that women were not allowed to participate prior to 1975.


Going for Green (Running Their 10th Comrades)

Gender Finishes Number
South Africa Male 9 411
South Africa Female 9 84
International Male 9 9
International Female 9 1
Rest of Africa Male 9 4
Rest of Africa Female 9 1


Going for Double Green (Running Their 20th Comrades)

  Gender Finishes Number Name Country
Rest of Africa Male 19 1 Joe Absai Namibia
International Male 19 1 Andrea Brunold Switzerland
South Africa Male 19 101
South Africa Female 19 13


Going for Triple Green (Running Their 30th Comrades)


First Name Last Name Gender Finishes
Bradley Oakley-Brown Male 29
Dirk Brink Male 29
Edmund Mngadi Male 29
Faizel Shaikjee Male 29
Floors Welthagen Male 29
Fred Macdougall Male 29
Hilton Galleid Male 29
Isaac Mabula Male 29
Jan Coetzee Male 29
John Grobbelaar Male 29
Koos Coetzee Male 29
Leon Van Moerkerken Male 29
Magavishnu Nair Male 29
Moses Mapaila Male 29
Naresh Devnund Male 29
Paul Mokwena Male 29
Roger Buck Male 29
Ronald Dribbin Male 29
Shane Hinchliffe Male 29
Shaun Meiklejohn Male 29
Video Murray Male 29
Vitalis Poli Male 29
Zakiel Masha Male 29
Zwelakhe Richard Nxumalo Male 29


Going for Triple Green (Running Their 30th Comrades)


First Name Last Name Gender Finishes
Kim Pain Female 29
Pat Freeman Female 29


2019 Quadruple Green Number Runners

First Name Last Name Gender Finishes
Barry Holland Male 46
Louis Massyn Male 46
Alan Robb Male 42
Vic Boston Male 42
David Williams Male 41
Mike Cowling Male 41
Wietsche Van Der Westhuizen Male 41
Zwelitsha Gono Male 41


There are only 17 Comrades Quadruple Green Number Holders in the history of the Comrades Marathon:

First Name Last Name Race Number Finishes
Barry Holland 916 46
Louis Massyn 403 46
Dave Rogers 183 45
Alan Robb 1704 42
Clive Crawley 1 42
Dave Lowe 1702 42
Vic Boston 3111 42
David Williams 5178 41
Mike Cowling 7296 41
Tommy Neitski 1689 41
Wietsche Van Der Westhuizen 4192 41
Zwelitsha Gono 1180 41
Kenny Craig 145 40
Riel Hugo 1221 40
Shaun Wood 4286 40
Johann Van Eeden 1691 40
Boysie Van Staden 2516 40

The 2019 Comrades Marathon will be held on Sunday, 9 June 2019, starting at the Durban City Hall at 5h30 and finishing 12 hours later at the Scottsville Racecourse in Pietermaritzburg. This will be the 48th Up Run.

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Está chegando a UAI – ULTRA DOS ANJOS INTERNACIONAL 235 KM – 12, 13 e 14 de Julho de 2019


12 13 14 de Julho 2019 – ITANHANDU – MG

Dia 09/07 terça-feira – Entre 20:00 e 21:30 – Entrega de kit MODALIDADE XHARD 235KM DUBLE
Dia 09/07 terça-feira – 22:00 – LARGADA MODALIDADE XHARD 235KM DOUBLE
Dia 11/07 quinta-feira – Entre 14:00 e 20:00 Entrega de Kit / Recebimento de Drop Bags.
Dia 11/07 quinta -feira – Entre 18:00 e 19:00 Congresso Técnico
Dia 12/07 sexta-feira – 07:00 – LARGADA MODALIDADE XHARD 235KM BIKE
Dia 12/07 sexta-feira – 07:40 – Chamada para Execução Hino Nacional
Dia 12/07 sexta-feira – 08:00 – Largada de todas as modalidades.
Dia 14/07 domingo – 20:00 – Encerramento oficial do evento.

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Desafio 12h das Capitais

O Desafio 12 horas das capitais será realizado:

– Pelo atleta ultramaratonista Carlos Dias e pessoas de ambos os sexos devidamente inscritas,
– Doravante denominados atletas e iniciantes em corrida e caminhada,
– Em qualquer condição climática.

Deste evento faz parte:

– As corridas nas distâncias entre 5km a 100km sem cunho competitivo, com fins solidários,
– A chegada da ultramaratona será no mesmo local da largada,
– O início de cada evento está previsto para às 9hs e o término para às 21h00*12h horas depois,
– Haverá limitação no número de inscritos não podendo ultrapassar o limite máximo de 400 atletas por etapa,
– Atletas portadores de necessidades especiais também participam, devendo ser responsável pelo atleta guia,
– Deficientes visuais e amputados membros inferior, para participar desta categoria o atleta deverá apresentar declaração médica em receituário próprio, assinada e com o carimbo do CRM do médico e indicar o nome completo RG CPF do atleta guia no ato da retirada do kit,
– O atleta assume que participa deste evento por livre e espontânea vontade, isentando de qualquer responsabilidade os organizadores, realizadores e patrocinadores, em seu nome e de seus sucessores,
– Ao se inscrever no evento o atleta disponibiliza seus dados e autoriza aos organizadores, patrocinadores e realizadores, que a qualquer tempo enviem em seu nome , no endereço eletrônico, físico (ou qualquer outro fornecido) informativos, mala direta ou qualquer outro tipo de correspondência.

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The Best Front Range Trail Runs

The Best Front Range Trail Runs

50 trail runs selected for the beauty of the scenery, the variety of the terrain, and the range of difficulty levels
• Complete trail descriptions, highlights, directions, and color photos, maps, and elevation profiles
• Quotes on each trail from local legends and professional runners

Beginners and experienced trail runners alike will revel in the publication of this guide, which takes the guesswork out of choosing a trail to run along Colorado’s Front Range. Covering 50 trails from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs, this book highlights the best running trails chosen for their singletrack terrain, spectacular views, challenging routes, and proximity to major population centers. Each trail write-up includes the essential information one needs to quickly find and enjoy a spectacular run: map, elevation profile, directions, trail description, and more.

READ MORE IN-> The Best Front Range Trail Runs

BRAZIL 135 ULTRAMARATHON -Campo Grande – 15 de Junho de 2019

As provas que compõem o evento Br135 Ultra de Rua – Campo Grande/MS serão realizadas no dia 15 de Junho de 2019, na cidade de Campo Grande, com qualquer condição climática, tendo a participação de atletas regularmente inscritos de ambos os sexos, ficando sua largada acontecendo da seguinte forma:
Local: Parque dos Poderes
Endereço: Av. do Poeta, Campo Grande, MS
Data: Sábado – 15 de Junho de 2019
Término da Prova: 20:00 hs do dia 15 de Junho de 2019

Veja mais:



Campeonato Continental de 100km no Brasil

As provas que compõem o evento Br135 Ultra de Rua – Etapa Bertioga Continental 2019, serão realizadas no dia 27 de Julho de 2019, na cidade de Bertioga.

Local da prova: Avenida Tomé de Souza na cidade de Bertioga – Av. Tomé de Souza,Bertioga,São Paulo – SP.
Data: Sábado – 27 de Julho de 2019.

Horários de Largada:

5K: 15:00hs
10k: 15:00hs
20K: 15:00hs
50K: 11:00hs
80K: 07:00hs
100K: 07:00hs

Revezamento de 100K (um atleta na pista por vez): 07:00hs;
Equipe de 5 atletas, 20K por atleta, 4 voltas por atleta;
Equipe de 10 atletas,10K por atleta, com 2 voltas por atleta;
O kit da prova será composto por: 01 (uma) Sacochila de treino, 01 (uma) Camiseta de poliamida da prova, Chips e Relógio de cronometragem retornável, 01 (um) Número de peito, 04 (quatro) Alfinetes para fixação do número de peito.

Retirada de kit

A retirada do kit de participação, será no dia 27 de Julho de 2019, no local da prova a partir das 06:00.


Leia mais sobre em :–Ultra-De-Rua–Etapa-Bertioga-Continental-2019-8118

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Kennekuk Road Runners 29th Annual Event. Saturday, August 10, 2019

Kennekuk Road Runners 29th Annual Event.  8 Hour Ultra marathon in memory of Scott Hathaway and in honor of Ultra25marathon Legend Rob Apple.

Registration will close when field is full.

There will be NO refunds, deferrals or transfers of division.  No exceptions.  KRR does not handle the Active refund insurance program.

Friday, 8/9/19, we will have a one-loop “Baby Howl at the Moon” meet the course for participants and their family & friends at 6:00 PM.  Cool Baby Howl Awards.  FREE PASTA DINNER from 5PM to 5:45PM for participants.  All others, $5.00.  Purchase tickets with registration.

PACKET PICK UP THURSDAY 3:00pm TO 7:00pm AND  FRIDAY FROM 10:00AM TO 7:00PM.  Come early to claim your spot along the start finish area.  Very Limited Pickup SATURDAY FROM 6:15 TO 7:00 AM AT THE PARK.

Event details and schedule

Race starts at 7:30 AM. at the Big Red Barn.  The slightly altered course from years-past is a 3.5 mile loop that is 75% trail, 20% fine rock and 5% asphalt.  One long gradual downhill and one steep short uphill known on Strava as the Howl Hill of Death!  Halfway Aid station with Jimmy Buffett theme with margaritas on the last loop. Plus additional aid at the top of the hill of death and start/finish. Loops are counted by personal scorers for each age division.  You must check in with scorer each loop.  YOUR SCORER IS ALWAYS RIGHT.  In last 1/2 hour, runners and walkers can do a 1/4 Mile out and back course for the final 30 minutes.

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National Geographic

National Geographic

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, the flagship magazine of the National Geographic Society, chronicles exploration and adventure, as well as changes that impact life on Earth. Editorial coverage encompasses people and places of the world, with an emphasis on human involvement in a changing universe. Major topics include culture, nature, geography, ecology, science and technology.

READ MORE -> National Geographic

Bertioga Maresias – Resultados 2019

Data: Maio/2019


Masculino l  Feminino





Data: Maio/2018

SOLO 75KM – Masculino l  Feminino



Data: Maio/2017


SOLO – Masculino | Feminino


Data: Maio/2016


SOLO – Masculino | Feminino


Data: Outubro/2017


SOLO – Masculino | Feminino


Data: Outubro/2016


SOLO – Masculino | Feminino


Data: Maio/2015



Data: Outubro/2015


SOLO – Masculino | Feminino





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