Medals for each individual finisher, all races.
Official race shirt and runner bag for each athlete.
Goodies raffle.

Unique awards, reminding you of your experience in the Fakahatchee, will be presented to winners in all categories listed below. Every year is different. Awards for 2019 will be announced well in advance. You will definitely want to run your best on race day to take home one of these special EVERGLADES ULTRAS awards!

Awards presentations will take place at the approximate times listed here. Anyone earning an award but unable to stay for the presentation should ask race staff for theirs before leaving the park.
Presentation schedule (approximate times):
25 Kilometer–12:30pm-1:00pm
50 Kilometer–1:30pm-2:15pm
50 Mile–4:00pm-5:00pm
Race awards for top finishers:
Top 3 male and top 3 female finishers in the 50 mile event
Top 3 male and top 3 female finishers in the 50 kilometer event
Top 3 male and top 3 female finishers in the 25 kilometer event
Top Masters individual finishers, male and female, in the three events
Top finisher by age range, male and female, in each of the three races:
29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-69 70>
Age range awards are presented “one deep”, but additional age range awards may be offered depending upon the number of registered runners in each category.

Finisher medals for all races will be presented to runners as they cross the finish line. Unique race awards for winners will be formally presented after each race at the big finish line tent. If you are a winner but unable to stay for the formal presentation, be sure to collect your award and take it with you before leaving the park.

Burgers and other food and drinks, including beer for those over 21, will be offered to runners and volunteers at the finish line tent on Lake Harmon. Plan to stay awhile, relax and visit with other runners and definitely swap race-day yarns!
READ MORE IN: https://www.evergladesultras.com/

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Magazine – Revistas

Trail Running


Runner’s World

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Womens Running

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Men’s Running


Sports Illustrated Magazine February 12, 2018, Philly Special, Philadelphia Eagles, Super Bowl LII Champion

READ MORE ABOUT-Sports Illustrated Magazine February 12, 2018, Philly Special, Philadelphia Eagles, Super Bowl LII Champion

Outdoor Fitness

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Runner’s World South Africa

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Athletics Weekly

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National Geographic Traveler

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Car and Driver

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Men’s Health


Travel + Leisure Magazine

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Bertioga Maresias 75 km – 18 de maio de 2019

Informações Gerais:
Vagas Limitadas: 2.000 inscritos.
1.1. Data: Sábado, 18 de Maio de 2019
1.2. Distância:
– Categoria Solo (masculino e feminino):
42 km Light (plano terra e areia)
42km Hard (plano areia, terra e asfalto com muita subida)
75 km The Survivors
– Categoria Revezamento masculino, feminino ou misto: 75Km
percorridos por até OITO atletas, sendo então TRIO, SEXTETO E
1.3. Local:
LARGADA Bertioga: Av. Vicente de Carvalho, s/n – Centro,
Bertioga – SP, 11250-000
CHEGADA Maresias: A v . D r . F r a n c i s c o L o u p , 1 1 3 1 –
P r a i a d o S a c o P o r t a l 0 8 .
São Paulo – Brasil
1.4. Largadas e Chegadas:
1.4.1. Categoria Solo 75 km e Revezamento 75 Km terão sua
largada ao lado do Forte de São João da Bertioga, sentido

Os horários de largada da prova conforme abaixo:
75 KM:
– 42 Km light – 05H15
– TRIO – 05H45
– 42 KM HARD – 07H30
42 KM:
1.4.2. Categoria Solo 42 km Light (150 vagas) – Largada no Forte
de Bertioga com Chegada no PC 05 Praia da Jureia, sentido
Maresias. Obs. A organização não fornece transporte de volta a
42 Km HARD (150 vagas) – Largada Praia de Boraceia Camping
Beira Mar km 193 da rodovia Chegada em Maresias Praia do saco
Portal 08 Obs. A organização não fornece transporte de volta a
*Os horários estão sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio.
1.4.3. A Chegada da 42km Light sera no PC 05 Praia da Jureia.
A chegada dos 75km e 42 km Hard acontecerá para todas as
categorias na Praia do Saco em Maresias Portal 08 .
1.4.4. A prova terá duração máxima de 09h30 contadas a partir da
primeira largada, sendo assim o encerramento das atividades será
às 16h30.
Exemplo: Largada as 7:00 horas categoria octeto e término da
prova as 16:30 horas para todos os atletas. As demais categorias
que fizerem a largada antes terão de seguir o mesmo critério de
fechamento dos Pc’s da largada do octeto, ou seja, o THE
SURVIVORS largará as 5:00h deverá completar a prova em 11hs.
1.4.5. Para efeitos de cronometragem a Organização determinou
tempo limite para passagem em cada trecho:
– PC5 – 5h30 após a Largada do Revezamento ou as 12:30 horas
– PC6 – 6h30 após a Largada do Revezamento ou as 13:30 horas
– PC7 – 7h30 após a Largada do Revezamento ou as 14:30 horas
– Chegada – as 16:30 horas – Término do Evento
Saiba mais no sitehttps://www.ciadeeventos.com.br

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UD Ultra Desafio Passa Quatro/MG 16 e 17 de Fevereiro de 2019

A Ultra Runner Eventos realizará na cidade de Passa Quatro/MG, o UD Ultra Desafio. O
evento acontecerá nos dias 16 e 17 de Fevereiro de 2019 com largada às 9hs.
A prova será nas montanhas da área rural de Passa Quatro e outras cidades da região,
passando pelo Pico dos Marins, Marinzinho, Serra Gorda e Pico do Assovio. Todo o
percurso é em estradas de terra batida. O evento será realizado com sol ou chuva, só
podendo ser cancelado em caso de condições de catástrofe que coloquem em risco a
integridade física dos atletas e participantes.
A competição será uma corrida pedestre, de única etapa, com quatro modalidades nas
seguintes quilometragens:
120 km Largada às 9hs Dia 16 Sábado Tempo limite 32 horas
80 km Largada às 9hs Dia 16 Sábado Tempo limite 16 horas
30 km Largada às 9hs Dia 16 Sábado Tempo limite 5 horas
15 km Largada às 9hs Dia 16 Sábado Tempo limite 3 horas
A Prova será regida pelo Regulamento, e aprovada pelo corredor ao inscrever-se no
Será admitido como participante inscrito da prova, toda pessoa maior de 16 anos, de
qualquer nacionalidade, que cumpra as exigências deste regulamento.
Os atletas inscritos para as modalidades 80 e 120 km deverão apresentar ATESTADO
MÉDICO, bem como entregar assinado o termo de responsabilidade no qual isenta a
organização da prova de qualquer responsabilidade, tanto realizadores e patrocinadores,
em seu nome e de seus sucessores.
Já atletas inscritos para as modalidades 15 e 30 km deverão apresentar o termo de
responsabilidade no qual isenta a organização da prova de qualquer responsabilidade.

Leia mais em: http://www.ultrarunnereventos.net/

Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible

Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible

Surrendering your life to Jesus is the greatest decision you will ever make, but that’s just the starting line. Many of us begin a journey of following Jesus without a realistic expectation of the price required to finish our spiritual race. As a result, we lose heart when the road becomes difficult.

In Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible, pastor and marathon runner John Van Pay offers help. Van Pay shows how the “endurance runners of the Bible” overcame obstacles on their faith journeys and how you too can finish your spiritual race through their example.

By adding personal adventures, humorous mishaps, and grueling struggles from his own endurance races and life experiences, Van Pay shares in vulnerable ways how God helps when things get tough. You too can finish strong.

READ MORE IN-> Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible

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17 de Janeiro de 2019 – Brazil 135 – Ultramarathon



Applications AUG/15 Link Available on SPlife and web site

Rooster List SEP/30 ( Relação dos atletas convidados ) – SPlife and website

Pre Race Meeting JAN/16/2019 08:00 Faculdade UNIFAE – SJBV

Start ALL RACES JAN/17/2019 10:00 Faculdade UNIFAE – SJBV

Cut Off SJBV-AP JAN/17/2019 14:00 Aguas da Prata

Cut Off 3 Marathons JAN/18/2019 10:00 Borda da Mata

Cut Off 5 Marathons JAN/19/2019 10:00 Paraisópolis – Qualifying to Badwater Ultramarathon

Cut Off 5 Marathons JAN/19/2019 22:00 Paraisópolis NO Qualification to Badwater Ultramarathon

Start Pizza Party JAN/19/2019 16:00 Paraisópolis

Read More in: http://www.brazil135.com.br

Cracking the CrossFit Open: How to Outperform Your Peers in Every Workout

Cracking the CrossFit Open: How to Outperform Your Peers in Every Workout

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, this book will help you improve faster in the key CrossFit workouts and movements. It provides you with the tools to outperform your peers, both in the Workout of the Day (WOD) and in the next CrossFit Open.

In this book you will learn:

Tactics to outperform athletes of a similar level in CrossFit workouts
Mental strategies to ensure sustained motivation and optimal workout performance
What matters most, based on analysis of every 2014-2018 CrossFit Open workout
Valuable training insights from sports science and elite coaches
Effective warm-up, cool-down, and mobilization techniques
Frameworks and improvement tips for the three key training areas: strength, skills, and conditioning
Unbiased tips for programming an effective training routine
How to eat optimally for CrossFit training
Practical methods to transition to a healthier lifestyle
Principles for choosing dietary supplements and training equipment
If you are serious about CrossFit, read this book and begin training in a better way.

Full table of contents:


Chapter 1: Strategy
Chapter 2: Tactics
Chapter 3: Psychology

Chapter 4: Principles
Chapter 5: Consistency
Chapter 6: Workouts
Chapter 7: Programming

Chapter 8: Nutrition
Chapter 9: Lifestyle
Chapter 10: Supplements

READ MORE IN: Cracking the CrossFit Open: How to Outperform Your Peers in Every Workout

All-New Fire HD 8 Tablet

All-New Fire HD 8 Tablet | 8″ HD Display, 16 GB, Black – with Special Offers

Vibrant 8″ HD display, a 1.3 GHz quad-core processor, 1.5 GB of RAM, and Dolby Audio. Up to 10 hours of mixed-use battery life (may vary depending on usage). 2x as durable as the iPad Mini 4.
16 or 32 GB of internal storage and a microSD slot for up to 400 GB of expandable storage
Enjoy millions of movies, TV shows, songs, Kindle eBooks, apps and games – including Netflix, Facebook, HBO, Spotify and more
Watch downloaded videos anywhere with a Prime membership, Netflix plan, or Showtime subscription
Prime members get unlimited access to over a thousand books and magazines, millions of songs, and thousands of movies and TV episodes – at no additional cost
Use Alexa hands-free mode to pause videos, play music, open apps, show sports scores, display the weather, and more—just ask
With Show Mode you can transform your tablet to an immersive, full-screen Alexa experience optimized for visibility across the room
Call or message almost anyone or make video calls to family and friends with compatible devices or the Alexa App

READ MORE IN-> All-New Fire HD 8 Tablet | 8″ HD Display, 16 GB, Black – with Special Offers

Shop Amazon Devices – Save on Fire TV Stick

Shop Amazon Devices – Get $35 Toward a New Fire TV 4K Device
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