Fat Dog 120 Trail Race August 10-12, 2018
Most scenic ultra race in Canada. Join us for a challenging point to point race that straddles 3 stunning provincial parks in British Columbia, Canada in the Cascade Mountains. Just short of Everest for elevation gain; Fat Dog 120 mile is 8682 metres, Everest is 8848 metres.
120 miles, 70 mile, 50 mile, 40 mile, and 9 relay legs varying from 7 km to 38 km. See Race Guide for detailed breakdown.
Read more in : https://www.fatdog120.ca/
Running Through the Wall: Personal Encounters with the Ultramarathon
Running Through the Wall: Personal Encounters with the Ultramarathon
For those who are not content to run merely 26.2 miles, there is ultramarathoning. Some of the biggest ultras are 50 or 100 miles long, races in which people run all day, through the night and on into the next day. What makes them tick? What thoughts go through their minds at mile 93? How is the pain different from that of a marathon? How can you train for such a colossal undertaking? All these questions are answered in 35 interviews with ultramarathoners. Ultramarathoning is the logical next step for those who burn with a desire to achieve and explore their limits. Every kind of ultra runner is included here
READ MORE IN : Running Through the Wall: Personal Encounters with the Ultramarathon

Solo 5K
Solo 10K
Solo 20K
Solo 40K
Relay Corporativo 20 – 4 atletas (1 volta de 5K por atleta )
Relay Corporativo 40 – 4 atletas (2 voltas de 5K por atleta)
Relay Corporativo 80 – 4 atletas (4 voltas de 5K por atleta)
The Ultimate Guide to Trail Running and Ultramarathons
Jason Robillard has been doing ultramarathons for many years, and started advocating for barefoot running before it was cool and is considered an authority on it.
In this guide, he teaches trail-running newbies and experienced marathoners essential survival skills and tips for running long distances: how to run in snow, ice, and mud; how to cross large streams of water; what to do when you have to go number 2 on mile 30 of a 50-mile run; preparing for trouble (building a fire, surviving in the heat and cold); running in thunderstorms.
The book is written with an irreverent sense of humor and touches on topics that many running books don’t get into.
Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Sports Publishing imprint, is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in sports—books about baseball, pro football, college football, pro and college basketball, hockey, or soccer, we have a book about your sport or your team.
The Ultramarathon Guide: A Simple Approach To Running Your First Ultramarathon
The Ultramarathon Guide: A Simple Approach To Running Your First Ultramarathon
Whether you are already an ultramarathon runner, or someone who is about to embark on the challenge, The Ultramarathon Guide: A Simple Approach To Running Your First Ultramarathon, is a book that can help you realize your dreams.
Inside these pages, you will discover all you need to know about taking the first steps in this grueling challenge, as well as:
• How this experience will change your life
• An EASY to follow training program
• How you can SHATTER your expectations
• Changing your running mentality FOREVER
• And much more…
Becoming an ultrarunner is a simpler process than you may think. By keeping things simple and focusing on both the physical and mental side of the challenge, helps you to understand that running any distance is within your capabilities.
READ MORE IN: The Ultramarathon Guide: A Simple Approach To Running Your First Ultramarathon
Maratona Internacional de São Paulo – 2019

A Maratona Internacional de São Paulo, uma das mais importantes do gênero no país, completará 25 anos em 2019. Para comemorar seu Jubileu de Prata, a competição abre inscrições promocionais. A prova está prevista para o dia 7 de abril, podendo ser postergada para 14 de abril (data será definida até 30 de setembro de 2018), com largada, a partir das 6h50, e chegada no Ibirapuera, em frente ao Obelisco.
Para as inscrições feitas até o dia 30 de julho, até às 16h (horário de Brasília), haverá a inscrição Promo no valor de R$ 80,00, à vista no boleto ou em duas vezes no cartão de crédito, e a inscrição Básica, por R$ 100,00, também à vista no boleto ou em duas vezes no cartão.
A 25ª Maratona Internacional de São Paulo terá três distâncias, com foco no clássico. Além da tradicional corrida de 42k, acontecerão ainda a Meia Maratona, ou seja 21k, e a prova de 5k. A partir disso, todas as largadas e chegadas também ocorrerão no Ibirapuera.
A prova oferecerá infraestrutura (apoio médico, acessos, hidratação, lanches) para o número oficial de inscritos. Não serão disponibilizados recursos extras para atletas que não estejam inscritos oficialmente (”pipocas”).
Resultados 2018
1) Solonei da Silva (BRA), 2h15min55seg
2) Wellington Bezerra da Silva (BRA), 2h16min06seg
3) Goodfrey Kosgei (QUE), 2h16min38seg
4) Philip Kiplimo (UGA), 2h16min50seg
5) Paulo Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min18seg
1) Andréia Hessel (BRA), 2h40min07seg
2) Shewaye Woldemeskel (ETH), 2h41min37seg
3) Valdilene Silva (BRA), 2h42min38seg
4) Adriana Aparecida da Silva (BRA), 2h42min55seg
5) Carmen Aguilera (PAR), 2h48min03seg
Melhores tempos
Ao longo de sua história, a prova conseguiu tempos bastante expressivos, com destaque para o feito do brasileiro Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima (BRA), que estabeleceu o recorde em 2002, com 2h11min19seg, e a queniana, Rumokol Chepkanan, com 2h31min31seg, em 2012. Também conseguiram tempos expressivos no masculino os quenianos Stanley Biwot, com 2h11min21seg, em 2010, e David Kemboi (QUE), com 2h11min53, em 2011. No feminino ainda se destacaram a queniana Carolyne Komen, com 2h35min51seg, em 2015, e marroquina Samira Raif, com 2h36min01, em 2011.
Todos os campeões da Maratona de São Paulo (Masculino / Feminino)
2018 – Solonei da Silva (BRA)m 2h15min55s/Andréia Hessel (BRA), 2h40min07s
2017 – Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min56s/ Leah Jerotich (QUE), 2h41min58s
2016 – Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min14seg/Alice Kibor (QUE), 2h35min56seg
2015 – Asbel Kipsang (QUE), 2h15min15s/Carolyne Komen (QUE),2h35min51s
2014 – Paul Kangogo (QUE), 2h14min16s/Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h42min27s
2013 – Stanlei Koech (QUE), 2h16min07/Samira Raif (MAR), 2h38min23s
2012 – Solonei da Silva (BRA),2h12min25s/Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE),2h31min31s*
2011 – David Kemboi (QUE), 2h11min53s/ Samira Raif (MAR), 2h36min01
2010 – Stanley Biwott (QUE), 2h11min21s/Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h39min26s
2009 – Elias Chelimo (QUE), 2h13m59s/ Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h42m24s
2008 – Claudir Rodrigues (BRA), 2h17m07s/Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h42m20s
2007 – Reuben Chepkwek (QUE), 2h16m05s/ Jacqueline Chebor (QUE), 2h40m12s
2006 – Rotich Solomon (QUE), 2h15m15s/ Margaret Karie (QUE), 2h39m24s
2005 – José Teles (BRA), 2h19m47s/ Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m39s
2004 – Franck Caldeira (BRA), 2h17m30s/ Margareth Karie (QUE), 2h40m10s
2003 – Genilson da Silva (BRA), 2h16m26s/Mª do Carmo Arruda (BRA), 2h39m12s
2002 – Vanderlei de Lima (BRA), 2h11m19s*/ Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h36m07s
2001 – Stephen Rugut (QUE),2h14m30s/ Marizete Rezende (BRA), 2h38m57s
2000 – David Ngetich (QUE), 2h15m21s/ Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m15s
1999 – Paul Yego (QUE), 2h15m29s/Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h37m20s
1998 – Diamantino dos Santos(BRA), 2h16m55s/ Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h39m58s
1997 – Kipkemboi Cheruiyot (QUE), 2h17m07s/ Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h42m13s
1996 – Chalam El Maali (MAR), 2h15m21s/ Janete Mayal (BRA), 2h41m40s
1995 – Luiz A. dos Santos (BRA), 2h17m11s/Ilyna Nadezhda (RUS), 2h49m33s
Leia mais no:http://www.yescom.com.br/2019/maratonadesaopaulo/noticias-e-historias/304/maratona-internacional-de-sao-paulo-2019-abre-inscricoes
ou no http://www.yescom.com.br/2019/maratonadesaopaulo/
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In Eat and Run, Jurek opens up about his life
“In pursuing the mental side of endurance, Jurek uncovers the most important secrets any runner can learn.”—Amby Burfoot, author of The Runner’s Guide to the Meaning of Life
For nearly two decades, Scott Jurek has been a dominant force—and darling—in the grueling and growing sport of ultrarunning. Until recently he held the American 24-hour record and he was one of the elite runners profiled in the runaway bestseller Born to Run.
In Eat and Run, Jurek opens up about his life and career as a champion athlete with a plant-based diet and inspires runners at every level. From his Midwestern childhood hunting, fishing, and cooking for his meat-and-potatoes family to his slow transition to ultrarunning and veganism, Scott’s story shows the power of an iron will and blows apart the stereotypes of what athletes should eat to fuel optimal performance. Full of stories of competition as well as science and practical advice—including his own recipes—Eat and Run will motivate readers and expand their food horizons.
“Jurek’s story and ideas should easily manage to speak to and cheer on anyone seeking to live life as fully as possible.”—Denver Post
“A shockingly honest, revealing, and inspiring memoir.”—Trail Runner
ULTRAMARATONA DE RUA BRAZIL 135 – TERESINA serão realizadas no dia 29 de Setembro de 2018

Solo 10K
Solo 20K
Solo 40K
Relay Corporativo 20 – 4 atletas (1 volta de 5K por atleta )
Relay Corporativo 40 – 4 atletas (2 voltas de 5K por atleta)
Relay Corporativo 80 – 4 atletas (4 voltas de 5K por atleta)
Ultramarathon Mom: From the Sahara to the Arctic
Ultramarathon Mom: From the Sahara to the Arctic
With condemning, yet humorous, comments, Holly Zimmermann, mother of four young children, endeavors to take on some of the world’s most difficult and dangerous foot races. A grueling 257-kilometer ultramarathon through the Sahara Desert, written in a daily journal-style format, is the core of the story. Interspersed between the adventures in the Sahara, Holly recalls other races, including when two bombs went off before her eyes at the Boston Marathon. After the Sahara Desert, the setting for her next challenge shifted to the opposite extreme: Greenland, for the Polar Circle Marathon.
What makes this book distinctive are the Forrest-Gump-like happenstances which occur throughout,
READ MORE IN : Ultramarathon Mom: From the Sahara to the Arctic