Runner: A short story about a long run

Runner: A short story about a long run

cared witless and surrounded by a sea of people, Lizzy Hawker stands in the church square at the centre of Chamonix on a late August evening, waiting for the start of the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc. The mountains towering over the pack of runners promise a grueling 8,600 metres of ascent and descent over 158 kilometres of challenging terrain that will test the feet, legs, heart and mind.

These nervous moments before the race signal not just the beginning of nearly twenty-seven hours of effort that saw Lizzy finish as first woman, but the start of the career of one of Britain’s most successful endurance athletes. She went on to become the 100km Women’s World Champion, win the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc an unprecedented five times, hold the world record for 24 hours road running and become the first woman to stand on the overall winners’ podium at Spartathlon.

An innate endurance and natural affinity with the mountains has led Lizzy to push herself to the absolute limits, including a staggering 320 kilometre run through the Himalayas, from Everest Base Camp to Kathmandu in Nepal. Lizzy’s remarkable spirit was recognised in 2013 when she was a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year. These ultimate challenges ask not just what the feet and legs can do, but question the inner thoughts and contemplations of a runner.

READ MORE ABOUT Runner: A short story about a long run

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Badwater 135 Qualifying Standards – Badwater 135 Ultramarathon – July 23-25 , 2018

Those submitting an application to compete in the 2018 Badwater 135 Ultramarathon must meet at least ONE or more of the following THREE Qualifying Standards. Please review these Qualifying Standards to determine which standard(s) describes you, if any. You will be required to select at least one of these when you submit your race application. Those who do not meet at least one of these standards MAY NOT apply.

Here are the Qualifying Standards, at least ONE of which must be met prior to applying:

  1. You have officially finished the Badwater 135 (the actual race held since 1987; “solo” efforts will not be considered, except those made prior to 1990) AND have completed at least one significant ultra running event (or significant ultra cycling or triathlon event) in the previous 12 months other than the Badwater 135.
  2. You have officially finished at least THREE running races of at least 100 continuous miles in length, at least one of them in the previous 12 months. Exception: Officially finishing the 81-mile BADWATER SALTON SEA race “counts” as one 100-mile race for this qualifying purpose. (Please see the list of Preferred Qualifying Races below.)
  3. You have officially finished the Brazil 135+ (either 135 miles in 48 hours or 160 miles in 62.5 hours) AND have completed at least one significant ultra running or other endurance sports event in the previous 12 months.

Preferred Qualifying Races

Not all 100-mile (and longer) races are created equal; some are more suitable than others for preparing a Badwater 135 applicant to be successful at the world’s toughest foot race.

Our view of ultrarunning is expansive, with the experience of an epic route being intrinsic to what we call “exploring the outer and inner universes.” As well, the physical, mental, emotional, and logistical challenge of traversing  a widely varying course with a plethora of terrain and climatic changes provides a more rewarding – and challenging – experience for all involved.

For 2017 and beyond, applicants with some of the following races on their resumé will have a greater likelihood of being selected to compete in the Badwater 135. (In other words, these races are not strictly required, but completion of some of them is highly recommended for all applicants.)

Brazil 135+, Brazil, 135mi / 217km or 160mi / 257km, Website

Keys 100, Florida, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Badwater Salton Sea, California, USA, 81mi / 130km, Website

Angeles Crest 100, California, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Arrowhead 135, Minnesota, 135mi / 217km, Website

Coast to Kosciuszko, Australia, 149mi / 240km, Website

Fat Dog 120 Trail Race, British Columbia, Canada, 120mi / 193km, Website

Grand Union Canal Race, United Kingdom, 145mi / 233km, Website

Hardrock 100, Colorado, USA,100mi / 162km, Website

HURT 100, Hawaii, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Leadville Trail 100, Colorado, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Nove Colli, Italy, 125mi / 202km, Website

Northburn 100, New Zealand, 100mi / 162km, Website

Pinhoti 100, Alabama, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Spartathlon, Greece, 153mi / 256km, Website

Superior 100 Fall Trail Race, Minnesota, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Tortour de Ruhr, Germany, 143mi / 230km, Website

Tuscobia 150. Wisconsin, USA, 150mi / 241km, Website

Ultramilano-Sanremo, Italy, 175mi / 281km, Website

Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, France, 103mi / 166km, Website

Ultra-Trail Mt. Fuji, Japan, 102mi / 165km, Website

Ultrabalaton, Hungary, 136mi / 220km, Website

Wasatch Front 100, Utah, USA, Website

Western States 100, California, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website


  • No applicant is guaranteed entry, except those noted above in the Badwater 135 Automatic Qualifying Spots section.
  • Some special consideration is given to applicants who competed the entire BADWATER ULTRA CUP in any previous year.
  • Some special consideration is given to applicants who are veteran Badwater 135 pacers. (A letter of recommendation from the athlete for whom you paced at the Badwater 135 is required. It must be sent by email from the person for whom you paced directly to the Badwater race office. It must be sent to adventurecorps-at-gmail-dot-com immediately prior to your application submission.)
  • You must have significant, relevant, and applicable race results from the previous two years.
  • 24-hour race results may NOT be submitted as equivalent to a 100-miler, regardless of how many miles are completed. However, feel free to include 24-Hour race results in your application, in addition to meeting the minimum qualifying events.
  • The three qualifying events of “100 continuous miles” means literally 100 continuous miles. As such, stage races do not count towards the minimum qualifying standards. However, please include any significant stage racing history in your application, in addition to the qualifying events.
  • Minimum application requirements must be attained prior to submitting the application to compete in the upcoming Badwater 135 Ultramarathon.
  • For every race mentioned, the application must include the full race name, year, place, and finishing time, plus the weblink to the specific webpage on the event website which will verify your claim. All links listed should be complete, i.e., start with http://.
  • “Officially finishing” any event mentioned is defined as meeting all time cutoffs, including the overall time limit, for the event in question.
2018 Application

The 2018 application will be available from 900am PST, January 19 through 500pm PST, February 2, 2018 only. The application is NOW CLOSED and we are no longer accepting applications.

Read More in:

A Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon

READ MORE ABOUT :A Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon


A Prova Pedestre 12ª MEIA MARATONA INTERNACIONAL DE SÃO PAULO, doravante denominada EVENTO, será realizada no dia 11 de Março de 2018, na cidade de São Paulo, com distâncias de 21.097m e 5.000m, por PESSOAS DE AMBOS OS SEXOS devidamente inscritas, doravante denominadas ATLETAS, independentemente da condição climática.
OBSERVAÇÃO: Regulamento atualizado em 09/02/2018 às 17h40min. Novas atualizações poderão ser realizadas até o início da entrega dos kits de participação, de acordo com as necessidades técnicas do evento.
Deste EVENTO fazem parte:
a – CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL, com medida oficial de 21.097m, doravante denominada MEIA MARATONA.
b – CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL, com medida aproximada entre 4.500m e 5.000m, doravante denominada CORRIDA 5K.
1.2 – O EVENTO terá LARGADA e CHEGADA na Praça Charles Miller, s/nº – Em frente ao Estádio Municipal Paulo Machado de Carvalho – Estádio do Pacaembu, conforme percurso detalhado no site do EVENTO.
1.3 – Os ATLETAS farão a LARGADA em pelotões específicos distintos entre si, nos seguintes horários:
LARGADA a partir das 06h54min em pelotão único.
LARGADA a partir das 06h55min em pelotão único.
LARGADA a partir das 07h00min em pelotão único.
LARGADA a partir das 07h00min em pelotão único.
• CATEGORIA ATLETA COM DEFICIÊNCIADEV = Deficiente Visual / AMP = Amputado de Membro(s) Inferior(es) / DMAI = Deficiente Andante Membro(s) Inferior(es) / DI = Deficiente Intelectual / DMS = Deficiente Membro(s) Superior(es) / DAU = Deficiente Auditivo
LARGADA a partir das 07h00min em pelotão único.
LARGADA a partir das 07h00min em pelotão único.
b – Para a CORRIDA 5K:
LARGADA a partir das 07h00min em pelotão único.
LARGADA a partir das 07h00min em pelotão único.
* Os horários citados acima, poderão variar entre 5 e 10min a mais ou a menos.
A ORGANIZAÇÃO solicita extrema atenção às chamadas do sistema de som na área de LARGADA para eventuais alterações nos respectivos horários.

Ultramaratona dos Anjos 2018 – 29 de junho – 1 de julho 2018

Inspirada em grandes provas ao redor do mundo a UAI Ultramaratona dos Anjos Internacional
foi idealizada em 01/ 2010, quando voltávamos de uma prova de mantanha.
Desde então estamos trabalhando para o êxito de uma prova digna de seu nome.
“U A I  Ultramaratona dos Anjos Internacional”
A prova é realizada na cidade de Passa Quatro, estradas de terra encravadas nas
montanhas de Minas Gerais.
Uma verdadeira Expedição pela Estrada Real !!!!!

Dia 28/06 quinta-feira – Entre 14:00 e 20:00 Entrega de Kit / Recebimento de Drop Bags.
Dia 28/06 quinta -feira – Entre 18:00 e 19:00 Congresso Técnico
Dia 28/06 quinta -feira – 19:00 – Jantar de Massas
Dia 29/06 sexta-feira – 07:40 – Chamada para Execução Hino Nacional
Dia 29/06 sexta-feira – 08:00 – Largada de todas as modalidades.
Dia 01/07 domingo – 20:00 – Encerramento oficial do evento.

Tabela de Pontuação – UAI – Ultra dos Anjos Internacional 235km

Provas por KM-Finisher Pontos UAI – 235km UAI – 235km
Solo sem Suporte Solo com Suporte
Maratona 42,195 2 16 Pontos 12 Pontos
Provas 50 km 5
Ultramaratona de até 80 km 6
Ultra Desafio 50 Milhas 80 km 8
Ultra Runner 100 km Com limite de 12 Horas 10
Ultramaratona de 100 Milhas – (160km) 13

Provas por Tempo – Finisher
Ultramaratona de 12 Horas – Solo 100 km 10
Ultramaratona de 24 Horas – Solo 120 km 12
Ultramaratona de 48 Horas – Solo 200 km 16
Ultramaratona BR135 – 217km 16
UAI – Ultra dos Anjos Internacional – 235 km 16

* O atleta deverá relatar na sua aplicação a pretensão de tempo para a conclusão da prova,
lembrando que a prova tem 235km de Montanha. Deverá constar na aplicação apenas a
participação nos eventos realizados nos últimos dois anos. A participação em provas com mais de
dois anos, não contam pontos.

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To qualify for the Boston Marathon April 16, 2018.

To qualify for the Boston Marathon, athletes must meet time standards which correspond to age and gender. For the 2019 Boston Marathon, qualifying times must be run on or after Saturday, September 16, 2017. The qualifying times below are based upon each athlete’s age on the date of the 2019 Boston Marathon (April 15, 2019).

Achieving one’s qualifying standard does not guarantee entry into the event, but simply the opportunity to submit for registration. In recent years, not all qualifiers who submit an entry have been accepted due to field size restrictions. If total amount of submissions surpass the allotted field size for qualified athletes, then those who are the fastest among the pool of applicants in their age and gender group will be accepted. See the current qualifying standards below:

All standards below are based on official submitted net time.
18-34 3hrs 05min 00sec 3hrs 35min 00sec
35-39 3hrs 10min 00sec 3hrs 40min 00sec
40-44 3hrs 15min 00sec 3hrs 45min 00sec
45-49 3hrs 25min 00sec 3hrs 55min 00sec
50-54 3hrs 30min 00sec 4hrs 00min 00sec
55-59 3hrs 40min 00sec 4hrs 10min 00sec
60-64 3hrs 55min 00sec 4hrs 25min 00sec
65-69 4hrs 10min 00sec 4hrs 40min 00sec
70-74 4hrs 25min 00sec 4hrs 55min 00sec
75-79 4hrs 40min 00sec 5hrs 10min 00sec
80 and over 4hrs 55min 00sec 5hrs 25min 00sec


  • The acceptance of official race entrants will be based on qualifying time, with the fastest qualifiers (in relation to their age and gender) being accepted first until the race is full.
  • The qualifying window will remain open until the conclusion of registration for the Boston Marathon (once the maximum field size has been reached).
  • Only a certified full marathon distance will be accepted for qualifying.
  • Distances shorter than a full marathon will not be accepted.
  • We do not accept indoor marathon times.
  • We accept qualifying times from USATFAIMS, or foreign equivalent certified courses. The Boston Marathon does not designate which races meet qualifying standards. You must contact the race directly to see if they are certified.
  • All qualifying times are subject to review and verification.
  • Minimum age requirement for the Boston Marathon is 18 years of age on race day.
  • All qualifying times are based on official submitted net time.
  • Though the B.A.A. will email registrants upon the completion of their form, runners are not officially entered into the race until their qualifying time is verified. This length of time may vary and can be as long as several days, depending on the qualifying marathon.


TomTom Runner GPS Watch (Black)

TomTom Runner GPS Watch (Black)

Whether you’re running, cycling or swimming, TomTom has a range of GPS watches and accessories to help you achieve your goals. With the TomTom Multi-Sport Cardio, see your detailed workout metrics at-a-glance to stay motivated and reach your activity goals.

See your detailed running metrics at-a-glance.

• Track time, distance and pace on an extra-large, high resolution display.
• Achieve your goals with the help of the TomTom Graphical Training Partner.
• Navigate easily through menus with the intuitive One-Button Control.

READ MORE ABOUT TomTom Runner GPS Watch (Black)

To the Edge: A Man Death Valley and the Mystery of Endurance

To the Edge: A Man Death Valley and the Mystery of Endurance

Journalist Johnson chronicles his participation in one of the world’s toughest endurance races, the 135-mile Badwater Ultramarathon, and his simultaneous emotional reckoning with family members and himself. Johnson, who had never run a regular marathon, entered the race after his brother, a highly respected athlete, committed suicide. He recruited his sister and nearly estranged living brother to help him. In the first section, Johnson describes learning about and preparing for the race. As a journalist and a participant, he met many interesting Badwater participants (the paraplegic runners especially stand out) and offers insight into the phenomenon of ultramarathons, exploring questions like “Why does Badwater exist… and persist? Why does it capture the imagination?” After a strong start, though, this part goes on too long. The fascinating second section details the actual race and affords an inside look at an endurance runner’s thoughts. Johnson deftly blends excitement, tension, grief and humor. He describes his feelings on one evening of the race, blister crisis in check: “The world was surprising and filled with eye-opening wonder, and the simple act of moving through it had become a source of joy.” Johnson occasionally relies on a clich‚ or two, but they are offset by lovely passages that make his unusual experience familiar and immediate to the reader. Photos. (July)Forecast: The book should do well among the boomer fitness crowd, especially runners. The quality of the writing, the national advertising campaign and the six-city author tour will boost sales further.

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LIGA DA JUSTIÇA – RIO – 25 de Março de 2018

A Prova Pedestre LIGA DA JUSTIÇA – RIO, doravante denominada EVENTO, será realizada no dia 25 de Março de 2018, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, por PESSOAS DE AMBOS OS SEXOS devidamente inscritas, doravante denominados ATLETAS, independente da condição climática.

OBSERVAÇÃO: Regulamento atualizado em 01/02/2018 às 12h20min. Novas atualizações poderão ser realizadas até o início da entrega dos kits de participação de acordo com as necessidades técnicas do evento.

A CORRIDA LIGA DA JUSTIÇA uma realização e organização da Yescom e DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s16) e todos os personagens e elementos relacionados são de propriedade da DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s16).

Deste EVENTO fazem parte:

a. A CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL na distância de 8.000m, doravante denominada CORRIDA 8K – LIGA DA JUSTIÇA e HERÓIS.

b. A CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL na distância de 4.000m, doravante denominada CORRIDA 4K – LIGA DA JUSTIÇA e HERÓIS.

c. A CAMINHADA INDIVIDUAL na distância de 4.000m, doravante denominada CAMINHADA 4K – LIGA DA JUSTIÇA e HERÓIS.

1.2 – A LARGADA e a CHEGADA serão no Monumento Nacional aos Mortos na 2ª Guerra Mundial (Monumento aos Pracinhas) – Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 75 – bairro da Glória – Parque do Flamengo, ao lado do M.A.M. – Museu de Arte Moderna, conforme percurso detalhado divulgado no site do EVENTO.

1.3 O início do EVENTO está previsto para os horários abaixo relacionados, a serem confirmados na Entrega do Kit, conforme a CATEGORIA do ATLETA em cada cidade.


LARGADA a partir das 07h30min em pelotão único

AMP = Amputado(s) de Membro(s) Inferior(es) / DMAI = Deficiente Andante Membro(s) inferior(es) / DMS = Deficiente Membro(s) Superior(es) / DAU = Deficiente Auditivo / DI = Deficiente Intelectual / DV = Deficiente Visual
LARGADA a partir das 07h30min em pelotão único.

LARGADA a partir das 07h30min em pelotão único

c. Para a CAMINHADA 4K:

LARGADA a partir das 07h30min em pelotão único

LARGADA a partir das 07h30min em pelotão único

*Os horários citados acima, poderão variar entre 5 e 10min a mais ou a menos.

A ORGANIZAÇÃO solicita extrema atenção às chamadas do sistema de som na área de Largada para eventuais alterações nos respectivos horários.


Leia mais sobre em:

Tokyo Marathon Sunday, February 25, 2018


Race Name

Tokyo Marathon 2018
also serves as
Selection Trials for the 2018 Asia Jakarta
Marathon Grand Championship Series 2017-2018 -Team Japan Trials for Tokyo 2020-
Abbott World Marathon Majors Series Ⅺ


Tokyo Marathon Foundation


JAAF (Japan Association of Athletics Federations); Tokyo Metropolitan Government; Fuji Television Network, Inc.; Sankei Shimbun Co., Ltd.; The Yomiuri Shimbun; Nippon Television Network Corporation; The Tokyo Shimbun


JAPAN SPORTS AGENCY; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; Japan Tourism Agency; Metropolitan Tokyo Mayors’ Council; Japan Sports Association; Japanese Olympic Committee; Japanese Para-Sports Association; Japan Para Athletics; Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation); KEIZAI DOYUKAI (Japan Association of Corporate Executives);The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Tokyo Medical Association; Tokyo Disaster Prevention & Emergency Medical Service Association; Tokyo Private Ambulance Call Center Registered Companies Liaison Council; TOKYO NURSING ASSOCIATION; Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau; Tokyo Federation of Neighborhood Associations; Tokyo Federation of Shopping Center Promotion Associations & Tokyo Federation of Shopping Centers; Tokyo Sports Association; Community Sport Leaders Tokyo; Sankei Sports; Yukan Fuji; SANKEI LIVING SHIMBUN Inc.; Nippon Broadcasting System, Inc.; Fuji Sankei Business I; FUSOSHA Publishing Inc.; The Hochi Shimbun; Radio Nippon Co., Ltd.; The Tokyo Chunichi Sports


Tokyo Athletics Association

Operation Supporter

Tokyo Sports Association for the Disabled; Kanto Para Athletics

Presenting Partner

Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.

Official Partners

STARTS CORPORATION INC.; Yamazaki Baking Co., Ltd.; ASICS Japan Corp.; Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; BMW Japan Corp.; KINTETSU INTERNATIONAL; The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited; SEIKO HOLDINGS CORPORATION; Toray Industries, Inc.; McDonald’s Company (Japan), Ltd.; Mizuho Bank, Ltd.; Seven-Eleven Japan Co.,Ltd.; ASAHI BREWERIES, LTD.; American Express International, Inc.; ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO., LTD; KAGOME Co., Ltd; Photocreate Co.,Ltd; ZENROSAI(National Federation of Workers and Consumers Insurance Cooperatives); KONICA MINOLTA, INC.; SECOM CO.,LTD.; Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co.,Inc.; Daiwa Securities Group; Shiseido Japan Co.,Ltd; BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.; IBM Japan,Ltd.; NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION; KOYOU RENTIA Co.,Ltd.; Shimizu Octo,Inc.; EMTG Co., Ltd.; Dole Japan, Inc.

Official Suppliers

Kokushikan University; Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited; Hibino Corporation; TANAKA HOLDINGS Co., Ltd.; TUKIJI MARKET ASSOCIATION; YODOBASHI WHOLESALE MARKET ASSOCIATION; Tokyo Road Management Association; Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo; Scout Association of Tokyo; The Council for Area Development and Management of Otemachi, Marunouchi, and Yurakucho


1) Marathon (Men, Women, Wheelchair Men, Wheelchair Women);
2) 10km Race (Men and Women for Junior & Youth, Visually Impaired, Intellectually Challenged, Organ Transplant Recipients and Wheelchair categories)

Date & Time

Sunday, February 25, 2018
9:05 a.m. – Wheelchair Marathon and 10km Start
9:10 a.m. – Marathon and 10 km Start
10:50 a.m. – 10km Finish
4:10 p.m. – Marathon Finish


Fuji Television Network, Inc.


1. Marathon:
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building — Iidabashi — Kanda — Nihombashi — Asakusa Kaminari-Mon — Ryogoku — Monzen-nakacho — Ginza — Takanawa — Hibiya –Tokyo Station/Gyoko-dori Ave. (This course is certified by the JAAF and AIMS/IAAF .)
2. 10km Race:
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building — Iidabashi — Kanda — Nihombashi
(Results are considered unofficial. Finishing place is determined by net time.)

Competition Rules

The races will be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the IAAF, JAAF and the Race Organizer.
IAAF Road Race Label Regulations also apply to the Tokyo Marathon 2108, which has been certified by the IAAF as a Gold Label road race. Doping control is conducted under IAAF Anti-Doping Regulations and/or Japan Anti-Doping Regulations.
World Para Athletics Rules and Regulations and the competition rules of the Tokyo Marathon apply to the wheelchair marathon. Doping control is conducted under World Para Athletics Anti-Doping Regulations and/or Japan Anti-Doping Regulations.

Time Limits

Marathon: 7 hours; Wheelchair Marathon: 2 hours and 10 minutes
10km Race: 1 hour and 40 minutes; Wheelchair 10km race: 35 minutes

  • (i) The time limits are based on the gun time (not on the net time).
  • (ii) The cut-off time will be enforced at each checkpoint due to limited duration of traffic control, security operation and event operation. The runners, who fail to pass through the checkpoint before the cut-off time, will be disqualified from the race. Furthermore, runners who lag excessively behind the cut-off time pace may be asked to leave the course at anytime.
Maximum Number of Entrants

Marathon: 35,500 runners
10km Race: 500 runners


Those who fulfill the following conditions, and whose participation is approved by the organizer.

  1. 1) Marathon: Must be at least 19 years of age on the race day
    1. 1-1) General
      • – runners who are capable of completing the race within 6 hours and 40 minutes
    2. 1-2) Semi-Elite Athletes
      • – Athletes who satisfy the requirements set forth by the “RUN as ONE – Tokyo Marathon 2018”.
    3. 1-3) Elite Athletes
      • – Athletes, registered with the JAAF in fiscal 2017 who satisfy the special requirements set forth by the JAAF
      • – Invited Athletes: National and international runners recommended by the JAAF
    4. 1-4) General Wheelchair
      • -Wheelchair users who are capable of completing the race within 2 hours and 10 minutes using the racing wheelchair.
    5. 1-5) Elite Wheelchair
      • -Athletes registerd with the JPA in fiscal 2017, and to be registered with the IPC in fiscal 2018
      • -Athletes who are in the sport classes T53 – 54 of World Para Athletics Classification
      • -Athletes who have the following record in the tournament of the World Para Athletics certified races:
        1 hour and 50 minutes or under (Men)
        2 hours or under (Women)
      • -Invited Athletes: National and international athletes recommended by the JPA
  2. 2) 10km Race: Must be at least 16 years of age on the race day
    1. 2-1) Junior & Youth
      Runners between 16 and 18 years of age on the race day, who are capable of finishing the race in 1.5 hours (Runners born between February 26, 1999 and February 25, 2002 are eligible)
      • *Including those runners who are selected separately by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government under the projects related to the Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery support.
    2. 2-2) Visually Impaired
      Runners aged 16 and above on the race day, capable of finishing the race within 1.5 hours
    3. 2-3) Intellectually Challenged
      Runners aged 16 and above on the race day, capable of finishing the race within 1.5 hours
    4. 2-4) Organ Transplant Recipients
      Runners aged 16 and above on the race day, capable of finishing the race within 1.5 hours
    5. 2-5) Wheelchair
      Wheelchair users aged 16 and above on the race day, capable of finishing the race in 35 minutes on the racing wheelchair
      ※Racing wheelchair requirements are specified in the “The latest rules and regulations applicable to the event day” set by the World Para Athletics.
Prize Money

For both the marathon, and wheelchair marathon races, the prize money based on the results will be awarded in accordance with separate rules.

Entry Fee
  1. 1. Marathon: Japan residents – 10,800 Yen (from overseas – 12,800 Yen)
  2. 2. 10km Race: Japan residents – 5,600 Yen (from overseas – 6,700 Yen)
  1. 1) Procedure
    Online entry
  2. 2) Application Period
    Applications must be received between Tuesday, August 1, 2017 and Thursday, August 31, 2017.
  3. 3) Screening
    Entrants will be selected by the lottery if applications exceed the maximum number.
  4. 4) Payment
    Selected entrants must pay the entry fee by credit card before the deadline.
    • *Applications to charity runners will be accepted from Saturday, July 1 to Monday, July 31, on a first-come, first-served basis (up to 4,000 charity runners). Applications to Active charity runners will be accepted until Thursday, 31 August.
    • *Priority applications from the premium members of ONE TOKYO, the official club of Tokyo Marathon Foundation, can be submitted from Monday, July 3 to Monday, July 31 (3,000 runners) Entrants will be selected by the lottery if applications exceed the maximum number.
    • *For the details on the RUN as ONE – Tokyo Marathon 2018, please refer to the Tokyo Marathon 2018 official website.
    • *Applications to elite runners and elite wheelchair athletes will be accepted from December.
Number Card Pick-Up

February 22, 23 and 24, 2018 (Thursday through Saturday)
Venue: Tokyo Marathon EXPO 2018 at Tokyo Big Sight
*Please note that no number card will be distributed on the race day.

  1. 1) Entry fee will not be refunded in the event of the cancellation of the race if such cancellation is not attributable to the organizer.
  2. 2) The event will be operated in compliance with all national laws and regulations.


Corrida Mulher Maravilha – MG – 8km – 18 de março de 2018

A Prova Pedestre CORRIDA MULHER MARAVILHA – MG, doravante denominada EVENTO, será realizada no dia 18 de Março de 2018, na cidade de Contagem, por PESSOAS DE TODOS OS SEXOS devidamente inscritas, doravante denominados ATLETAS, independente da condição climática.

OBSERVAÇÃO: Regulamento atualizado em 08/02/2018 às 16h10min. Novas atualizações poderão ser realizadas até o início da entrega dos kits de participação de acordo com as necessidades técnicas do evento.

A CORRIDA MULHER MARAVILHA é uma realização e organização da Yescom e DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s16) e todos os personagens e elementos relacionados ao tema do EVENTO são de propriedade da DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s16).

Deste EVENTO fazem parte:

a – A CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL na distância de 8.000m, doravante denominada CORRIDA 8K – MULHER MARAVILHA E PRINCESA DIANA.

b – A CORRIDA INDIVIDUAL na distância de 4.000m, doravante denominada CORRIDA 4K – MULHER MARAVILHA E PRINCESA DIANA.

c – A CAMINHADA INDIVIDUAL na distância de 4.000m, doravante denominada CAMINHADA 4K e,

d – CORRIDA e CAMINHADA INDIVIDUAL na distância de 4.000m, doravante denominada CORRIDA E CAMINHADA TREVOR ARMY 4K.

1.2 – A LARGADA e a CHEGADA serão na Praça do Sol em frente ao Shopping Contagem na cidade de Contagem – MG, conforme percurso detalhado divulgado no site do EVENTO.

1.3 – O início do EVENTO está previsto para os horários abaixo relacionados, a serem confirmados na Entrega do Kit, conforme a CATEGORIA do ATLETA.


LARGADA a partir das 08h00min em pelotão único.

AMP = Amputado de Membro Inferior / DMAI = Deficiente Andante Membro inferior / DMS = Deficiente Membro Superior / DAU = Deficiente Auditivo / DI = Deficiente Intelectual / DV = Deficiente Visual
LARGADA a partir das 08h00min em pelotão único.

LARGADA a partir das 08h00min em pelotão único.

LARGADA a partir das 08h00min em pelotão único.

LARGADA a partir das 08h00min em pelotão único.

b – Para a TREVOR ARMY,

LARGADA a partir das 09h00min em pelotão único.

CAD COM GUIA = Cadeirante com Guia / AMP = Amputado de Membro Inferior / DMAI = Deficiente Andante Membro inferior / DMS = Deficiente Membro Superior / DAU = Deficiente Auditivo / DI = Deficiente Intelectual / DV = Deficiente Visual
LARGADA a partir das 09h00min em pelotão único.

*Os horários citados acima poderão variar entre 5 e 10min a mais ou a menos.

A ORGANIZAÇÃO solicita extrema atenção às chamadas do sistema de som na área de Largada para eventuais alterações nos respectivos horários.
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