Jungle Marathon, the world’s wildest eco race, gives competitors the opportunity to combine sport and eco tourism and experience this stunning part of the world.
We offer three distances: a marathon; a 4 stage 127km race and a 6 stage 254km race.
The course, which includes swamps, river crossings, steep climbs and descents, village trails and fluvial beaches, combined with humidity and scorching temperatures makes it a daunting and exciting race, but well within the realms of any competitor who has a strong mental mindset.
Yes, physical fitness is a requirement- but if you don’t have strong mental tenacity to combine with it then you will struggle to reach the finish.
If you are ready for one of the most exciting and challenging adventures of your life, sign up today and join us from October 5th-14th 2017 in Amazonia, Brazil at the 12th anniversary of the legendary Jungle Marathon .
Inspirada em grandes provas ao redor do mundo a UAI Ultramaratona dos Anjos Internacional
foi idealizada em 01/ 2010, quando voltávamos de uma prova de mantanha.
Desde então estamos trabalhando para o êxito de uma prova digna de seu nome.
“U A I Ultramaratona dos Anjos Internacional”
A prova é realizada na cidade de Passa Quatro, estradas de terra encravadas nas
montanhas de Minas Gerais.
Uma verdadeira Expedição pela Estrada Real !!!!!
A UAI Ultramaratona dos Anjos Internacional 235km está aberta para atletas nas categorias 235 km X-Hard, 135 km Hard, 95 km Medium, 65 km Easy, 25 km Fast em nas modalidades solo com suporte, solo sem suporte (Survivor) e Revezamento Dupla e Quarteto.
· Os atletas deverão ser maiores de idade (18 anos) e estarem de acordo com este regulamento.
25km Solo
UAI Ultra dos Anjos Internacional
65km Solo com apoio | 65km Survivor | 65km Dupla
95km Solo com apoio | 95km Survivor | 95km Dupla
135km Solo com apoio | 135km Survivor | 135km Dupla
235km Solo com apoio | 235km Survivor | 235km Dupla
235km Quarteto
12th edition of the “6 jours de France” : from 20 till 26 August 2017
he 12è edition of 6 days of France will take place from 20 till 26 August 2017.
A return in summer to hope to have better weather conditions.
The race of 72h00 will be deleted, but at present, we study the idea to replace it by one 48h00.
New: we shall throw one 24h00 by team (in relay) intended for companies, associations or others. The maximum number of relay runners by team will be 10.
The beginning of the registrations:
– For 6 days: in December 1st, 2016
– For 24h00 in relay: 1 Mars 2017
3 Days at the Fair May 15-21, 2017
144 / 72 / 48 / 24 / 12 / 6 Hour Races
at the Sussex County Fairgrounds
May 15 – 21, 2017
144 Hour race begins at 9:00 am on Monday Morning
72 Hour race begins at 9:00 am on Thursday Morning
48 Hour race begins at 9:00 am on Friday Morning
24 Hour race begins at 9:00 am on Saturday Morning
12 Hour race begins at 9:00 pm on Saturday Evening
6 Hour race begins at 6:00 pm on Saturday Evening
Marathon or 50K can begin with 72H, 48H, 24H, 12H or 6H race and must be finished by the time the next race starts.
Runners must start at the appropriate time. In the past we have allowed early starts. In 2017 and moving forward we will not be allowing this anymore.
One aid station will be open from 8:00am on Thursday through Sunday morning. The aid station is run by the finest crew of ultra running cooks. They will prepare an array of food that keeps you full of energy and your palate entertained. Special Veggie / Vegan foods are available through out the entire event. It will also be stocked with the usual ultra fare as well as hot and cold food for the entire event. Participants and crew will have access to prepare their own special concoctions. Access to the walk in refrigerator is available to everyone as well. Please notify Race Director if access to kitchen is wanted.
Sussex County Fairgrounds has public restrooms located just a few steps from the course. There are also Shower facilities located inside the rest rooms.
Local artwork will be presented on-site to the TOP 3 male and TOP 3 female completing the greatest number of miles for ALL timed races. Winners of each time category will be recognized at the breakfast/awards ceremony.
Coins will be given out to runners at the Sunday Awards ceremony for lifetime miles. Awards will be given for 100 Miles, 250 Miles, 500 Miles, 1000 Miles.
A.S.D. TRANSEO dans la personne de son président Pasquale Brandi, avec le parrainage de IUTA – Association Italienne d’Ultramaratona et Trail, organise la 6° édition de la
6 Jours UMF – ITALIAN ULTRAMARATHON FESTIVAL , course à pied sportive respectivement composée par 7 disciplines sur la distance de Marathon, 100 Mille, 100 K, 6 – 24 – 48 Heures et de 6 Jours. La compétition FIDAL avec la BRONZE LABEL IAU.
La 6 JOURS partira le 4 JUIN à 15h00 et terminera le 10 JUIN à 15h00 .
La 48 HEURES et la 100 MILLE partiront le 8 JUIN à 15h00 et termineront le 10 JUIN à 15h00
La 24 HEURES et la 100 K partiront le 9 JUIN à 15h00 et termineront le 10 JUIN à 15h00
La 6 HEURES partira le 10 JUIN à 09h00 et terminera le 10 JUIN à 15h00 .
Les départs des MARATHONS sont libres c’est-à-dire que, entre 01.00 et 23.00, on peut décider de partir toutes les deux heures (par exemple à 15h00, 17h00, 19h00 etc.)
Les vainqueurs seront ceux qui, dans les spécialités respectives, ils parcourront le plus grand numéro de kilomètres.
Complète 20 MARATHONS dans les 6 jours de compétition !! Tu ne paieras rien et à la prochaine édition des 6 JOURS du POLICORO tu pourras participer gratuitement.
Les règles sont simples: si tu ne complètes pas toutes les 20 marathons, tu paies seulement les marathons que tu as couru.
Tu préfères la compétition de 6 JOURS ?? Cours l’équivalent de 20 marathons et tu ne paieras rien et à la prochaine édition des 6 JOURS du POLICORO tu pourras participer gratuitement.
Athlètes et Accompagnateurs
L’accès au restaurant dans lequel on prend les repas chauds (deux par jour) et où on trouves des boissons et de la nourriture froide, il estréservé aux ATHLÈTES et aux ACCOMPAGNATEURS qui résident à l’intérieur du Policoro Village et aux MEMBRES du STAFF.
Pour accéder au restaurant il sera obligatoire de montrer le bracelet en plastique coloré fourni par l’organisation.
Pour ce qui n’est pas compris dans ce règlement, on suit le règlement FIDAL et IUTA d’Ultramarathon. L’organisation se réserve le droit de changer le présent réglemente. Des modifications éventuelles seront communiquées préalablement.
The Trail Runner’s Companion provides an inspirational, practical, and goal-oriented guide. Readers will embark on a journey that begins with safe, consistent training and culminates in adventurous, ambitious trail racing. Along the way, they’ll learn the basics of technique and gear; deepen their appreciation for the ethos and characters who make up the sport; understand how to tackle numerous challenges during a trail run; and develop the physical and mental tenacity to complete an ultra-distance trail race. Combining the storytelling and coaching expertise of the author, Sarah Lavender Smith, along with the insights of many pro trail runners, The Trail Runner’s Companion delivers sophisticated, yet uncomplicated advice through a well-known and trusted personality in the sport of trail running.
Learn the secrets of the healthy and effective nutrition from the 9-time finisher of the world’s longest certified race, the Sri Chinmoy Self-transcendence 3100-Mile Race.
“One of the Top Ten World’s Ultimate Running Races”
~ HarperCollins
Magic Madness and Ultramarathon Running started as a series of separate ultra running race accounts that have revealed a transformational journey covering the most significant period of my life so far: My parents divorced, I became a husband and a father – and I learnt to run for the thrill of the chase and the joy of each step. Or if you want the simple version, it’s also just a collection of long races in great places where I tried hard and went as fast as I could for as long as I could. Sometimes