Runner’s World

Runner’s World

Product Description
RUNNER’S WORLD is filled with powerful information that will help you run faster and farther?and have more fun doing it! Every issue brings you the strategies, tips and advice to fuel your performance, prevent injuries, burn fat, shed stress, and achieve your personal goals. Review
Runner’s World magazine is one of the leading publications on the market geared specifically toward people that are passionate about running. The themes and topics found in this publication will inspire and motivate runners of every level. Every issue strives to present readers with helpful information to improve their running ability, from national and international race dates to information about the latest running products. The goal is to help you be the best runner you can be.

Runner’s World magazine offers a series of inspirational stories to encourage and motivate readers, tips from professionals, safety advice, and injury prevention essentials. Each issue also contains nutritional recipes made specifically for runners, detailed guides, and comprehensive analysis of the newest running shoes on the market. Feature articles cover everything you’ve ever wanted to know about running, from training for a spring marathon to eating correctly, all of which will help you to run faster, farther, and more efficiently, while having fun in the process.

Runner’s World magazine provides powerful content that will help you reach all your running goals. Have you ever wondered if it is okay to eat before running? Do you know the best way to stretch out? This magazine will help you identify the areas where you can improve and will give you tips that you’ve never thought of. With Runner’s World magazine, you’ll have everything you need to be a successful runner at your fingertips.

A subscription to Runner’s World magazine gives you the knowledge to continuously improve your running style and technique, as well as your overall health and lifestyle.

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81 miles (130km) -BADWATER® Salton Sea annually – April 30 – May 1, 2017

AdventureCORPS®, Inc. hosts BADWATER® Salton Sea annually in May. This remarkable event challenges up to 40 teams of two or three ultrarunners – running together as duos or trios for the duration, NOT in a relay – to tackle an unimaginable traverse of Southern California deserts and mountains. The  route covers 81 miles (130km) from Salton City (elevation 234 feet / 71m below sea level) to Palomar Mountain, the almost tallest mountain in San Diego County (elevation 5500 feet / 1676m.) Eight of the 81 race miles pass through Anza-Borrego State Park on a single track trail known as the California Riding and Hiking Trail from near Borrego Springs to near Ranchita, creating a race route which is a mix of road and trail. There is a total elevation gain of over 9000 feet (2740m).

The four previous editions were received with wide acclaim. The fifth edition – with a limit of just 105 runners – will be held April 30 – May 1-, 2017

Entry is strictly limited to fifteen 2x teams and twenty-five 3x teams. NOTE: If we have 15 2x teams registered, and then any 3x team “loses” a runner prior to race day, that 3x team MUST replace that third runner to remain as a 3x team. (Only 15 2x teams may begin the race.)

Online Registration is closed

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Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons

Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons

10th Annual KEYS100 is May 20-21, 2017

The 10th annual KEYS100 will be held the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, May 20 and 21, 2017. The event is a series of point-to-point races, beginning in Key Largo—or Marathon for the 50 mile race and Big Pine Key for the 50 kilometer race–and ending in Key West on the Atlantic Ocean at Higgs Beach. KEYS100 also promotes charitable fundraising for “The Cancer Foundation of the Florida Keys” in support of their educational work with prostate and other cancers, free screenings and direct support of cancer patients and their families throughout the Keys. Individual runners and teams are invited to earn a refund of their full race entry fee by raising funds for the “Foundation”. (Visit the “Registration” page for details.) The KEYS100 includes four distinct competitions: individual races of 100 miles, 50 miles and 50 kilometers, and our original Florida Keys six runner 100 mile team relay race. In the individual races, runners may compete with a support crew or without. Eleven (11) full aid stations serve all individual runners; these are located at approximately ten (10) mile intervals. Coolers with ice and water are positioned at approximately five (5) mile intervals. People competing without a crew may place drop bags with personal gear at aid stations along the route. THE FOLLOWING RUNNER LIMITS WILL APPLY FOR 2017: 250 IN THE INDIVIDUAL 100 MILE RACE; 250 IN THE 50 MILE RACE; 200 IN THE 50 KILOMETER RACE; 150 TOTAL TEAMS, INCLUDING MILITARY. Register now; don’t be left out next May! Register now; don’t be left out in 2017!

100 Mile Individual Ultramarathon
Mike Morton
13:42:52 (2012)
Alyson Venti
14:42:45 (2014)
50 Mile Individual Ultramarathon
Tomasz Kochanowicz
6:55:39 (2011)
Alyson Venti
6:51:08 (2013)
50 Kilometer Ultramarathon
David Kilgore
4:19:17 (2015)
Alice Henley
4:33:35 (2016)
Six Runner 100 Mile Team Relay
Space Coast Runners
9:07:27 (2015)

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PT281+ Ultramarathon – 27 a 30 de Julho de 2017


A opção pelo mês de Julho prende-se com as nossas inspirações. Para estarmos no patamar de uma das provas mais extremas do mundo, precisamos de um factor externo bastante importante: o calor. Na Badwater o calor atinge facilmente os 60º no Californiano Vale da Morte. Na BR135+ as temperaturas podem a qualquer momento ter uma percentagem de humidade no ar de 95%. Na PT281+ ficaremos entre as duas.

Durante o mês de Julho, nos locais de passagem da prova, os termómetros passam facilmente dos 40º, além de ser um calor seco, sufocante, ardente. Este é um factor que facilmente coloca a PT281+ num patamar de dificuldade extrema.


O percurso é feito de forma contínua, com partida de Belmonte e passagens por Sabugal, Sortelha, Penamacor, Serra de Malcata, Monsanto, Idanha-a-Nova, Tejo internacional, Vila Velha de Ródão e com final em Proença-a-Nova.

É feito em regime de semi auto-suficiência, ou seja, apesar de ser um percurso contínuo, com um tempo limite de conclusão, os participantes encontrarão ao longo do percurso vários Postos de Controlo, onde poderão descansar e reabastecer as suas forças.

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Information 20/03/2017

Updated entrants list after the board of directors addition of a limited number of applicants, merit based, according to article 5f of admission regulations.. For any questions about your participation please contact us by email at
You can find the accepted participants in the  Entrants List  link Below.

(Updated 20/03/17)

(Updated 20/03/2017)

SPARTATHLON is a historic ultra-distance foot race that takes place in September of every year in Greece. It is one of the most difficult and satisfying ultra-distance races in the world because of its unique history and background.

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1999 Badwater Ultramarathon: Running on the Sun Trailer

1999 Badwater Ultramarathon: Running on the Sun Trailer
This is the trailer for “Running on the Sun,” the acclaimed feature-length documentary about the 1999 Badwater Ultramarathon. It was produced by Mel Stuart and is available from Rhino Home Video. Badwater Ultramarathon™ is the world’s toughest foot race. This legendary, epic, 135 mile running race travels non-stop in the heat of Summer from Badwater in Death Valley (elev. 282 feet below sea level) to Whitney Portal on Mt. Whitney (elev. 8360 feet). Field size is limited to up to 90 runners. Visit the race’s dedicated website at

A Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon

The Badwater Ultra-marathon is commonly referred to as the toughest footrace on the planet. In 2003, defending champion Pam Reed, Dean Karnazes and 71 other runners took the ultimate challenge of running 135 miles in California from Badwater to the portals of Mount Whitney. Their journey would take them through the hostile environment of Death Valley and subject them to temperatures ranking among the highest ever recorded on earth.

A Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon

Out There: A Story of Ultra Recovery

Out There: A Story of Ultra Recovery

David Clark went from the rock bottom of bankruptcy, addiction and obesity to becoming an accomplished athlete. In this compelling story of his life, he not only shares his journey with complete honesty, but he also lays out a blueprint for change that anyone can use to to redefine what is possible. – Out There: A Story of Ultra Recovery is the story of a man who never had a chance to find out who he was. Growing up in the hardest of circumstances, poor, homeless and traveling the country in his father’s pickup truck, David Clark was no stranger to the hard knocks of life. Yet, without the benefit of any formal education in his early years, he lifted himself all the way up to owning a chain of 13 retail stores by the time he was 29 years old—only to lose it all to addiction, poor choices, and tough economic breaks.

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APTR ULTRA DE VIDEIRAS 2017 – 28 e 29/04

Trail run: 119k – 75k – 55k – 27k – 13k e 05k
Vale das Videiras, Petrópolis RJ

As largadas serão:
dia 28/04:
Modalidade 119km: dia 28 de Abril de 2017 às 22h00min.
dia 29/04
Modalidade 55km: dia 29 de Abril de 2017 às 06h50min.
Modalidade 27km: dia 29 de Abril de 2017 às 08h30min.
Modalidade 13km: dia 29 de Abril de 2017 às 08h40min.
Modalidade 05km: dia 29 de Abril de 2017 às 08h50min.

O Vale das Videiras faz parte do município de Petrópolis, na região serrana do Rio de Janeiro. Com belas paisagens e montanhas ainda preservadas pela REBIO (Reserva Biológica de Araras), Videiras é um lugar perfeito e ideal para a realização de corrida de montanha.

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7ª edição Desafio 12 Horas Piracicaba – 29 de Abril de 2017

O Desafio 12 Horas é uma prova de ultramarona e prova de Revezamento, aonde os atletas conseguem superar seus limites. É feita em um circuito de 1.200 metros em volta do lago no Principal Parque da Cidade de Piracicaba.
A prova pode ser realizada na modalidade Solo: 12 Horas, 6 Horas ou 3 Horas ou em Revezamento durante as 12 Horas: dupla, quarteto e octeto
Durante o evento é oferecido Hidratação e Alimentação aos competidores – água, isotônico, whey, carbo, pamonha, açaí, macarrão com batata, pipoca e cuscuz
28/04 – Retirada do Kit – das 14hs as 17:30hs
Local: Gaia Esportes – Rua Tiradentes, 495
29/04 –
7hs: – Inicio Retirada do Kit
7:30hs – Concentração
8hs – Largada Solo 12 Horas e Revezamentos
14hs – Largada Solo 6 Horas
17hs – Largada Solo 3 Horas


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