A Ultra Runner Eventos e uma empresa especializada em competições de alta performance, ultramaratonas de pista, montanha e trilhas, atuando em todo o Brasil.
Em sua existência a Ultra Runner Eventos já realizou centenas de provas em todos as modalidades de ultras, nossos maiores eventos estão localizados em São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Saiba mais sobre no site : http://www.ultrarunnereventos.net/
Ultrarunning made an appearance in the Arkansas River Valley back in the early 1980’s with the Arkie 50 (miler), conducted on the Bona Dea Trails in Russellville.
Ultra Trail Run Simi Valley CA Bandit Simi Valley,
Bandit Ultra Trail Run, Trail Race Southern California
There are 5 of us on the Bandit Executive team and over 80 volunteers who are committed to ensuring you have a great trail run experience. Please let us know your thoughts about the race or any changes we can make. Happy Trails! Read More in : http://banditultratrailrun.com/
This race is part of the SoCal Ultra Series. Series members can earn points by competing in this race.
Date & Time: Saturday, January 9, 2016 5:00 a.m. (12-hour cutoff; course will be closed at 5 p.m.)
Location: Crescent & the Pier, Avalon, CA – Santa Catalina Island Co. thumb_Avalon-map-2008big
Mail Entry & Fee To:
Spectrum Sports Management
2058 North Mills Avenue #454,
Claremont, California 91711.
All mail-in entries must be received by Friday, December 18, 2015. Pre-Entrants will be mailed a Race Information Sheet.
The top 10 pledge earners each year will receive a complimentary entry into the follow year’s event!!!
Online Registration Registration Form / Sponsor Pledge Sheet
Early Fee: $85 run only; banquet ticket $32 each (make check payable to: Avalon Lions Club)
Late Fee: Starting on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 – $100 run only; banquet ticket $35
Packet Pick-Up: The packet pick-up will be at the Hotel Metropole
on Friday between 5-8pm.
Course: 50-mile out and back on scenic fire roads from Avalon to the Isthmus and return; takes runners through island’s interior, which is generally closed. See Course Map and Aid Stations Locations.
Aid: Eight aid stations with water, Gatorade, defizzed cola, bananas, oranges, pretzels, M&Ms, and Gummi Bears (Drop bags at Little Harbor only!)
Drop Bag: Remember to bring clothing that will adapt to the weather and a flashlight for the early morning start and initial run. Be sure to label any articles you want back! (Drop bags at Little Harbor only!)
Age Group Awards: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-Over
Perks: Long-sleeved T-shirt & finisher medal awards to each runner. Runners MUST pick up their own packet. No Substitutes! The December 23rd cut-off will be enforced – so register early. The banquet dinner location, after the race has not yet been established- but will include food, entertainment and an awards ceremony.
Created in 1986 the Angeles Crest 100 is a point-to-point 100 mile endurance race starting
in Wrightwood (California) and ending at the Loma Alta Park in Altadena.
The San Gabriel back country retains much of the natural beauty, if not the primitive wilderness of yesteryear. Thanks largely to the foresight and capable supervision of the U.S. Forest Service and hundreds of volunteers. Picnic areas and campgrounds have been constructed with minimum displacement of the natural setting.
Those desiring to see this primitive wilderness in a single day are invited to participate in the Angeles Crest100 Mile Endurance Run.
This urban ultra is a great way to start the new year off with a bang. This event first started in 2013 and has quickly become very popular, always filling before the registration closing date. With distances from about 10 to 100 miles, there’s something for everyone. Runners score some great swag, enjoy the optional tasty pre-race pasta dinner (with vegetarian option), are pampered by some really nice volunteers, enjoy lots of heated aid station support, warming stations, camaraderie with plenty of other crazy ultra runners, and some really cool finishers awards. This is a great race for first time and seasoned ultra runners alike. Walkers are welcome too. We’re here to have a good time! –
We weren’t started in some corporate office, but in the back room of a Wasatch Mountain running store. Our founders, —elite athletes and running store managers, —wanted a shoe that let you run the way you were born to. They noticed that the design of most running shoes was hurting runners more than helping them. Elevated heels promote high-impact landing and narrow toe boxes squeeze the toes out of their natural position.