Tag: Trail
Fifty | Trail Running Film
Fifty Trail Running Film
Fifty follows an amateur runner as he tackles his first ultra marathon in the mountains. The challenging 50-mile (80 km) course runs along an ancient Indigenous pathway and is part of the historic HBC fur brigade route.
Hiking Canada’s Great Divide Trail – 4th Edition
Hiking Canada’s Great Divide Trail – 4th Edition
Trekking the Continental Divide from the U.S. border to Kakwa Lake is a demanding adventure. In this fourth edition of the bestselling guidebook devoted to Canada’s 1200-kilometre Great Divide Trail (GDT), Dustin Lynx helps hikers piece together the myriad individual routes that form a continuous trail along the Divide.
Outlining the seven major sections of the GDT, Lynx breaks the trail into shorter, more attainable segments and thoroughly describes the terrain and condition of each. Not only are these trail segments invaluable for planning shorter trips along the GDT, Lynx’s pre-trip planning advice will also prove indispensable for long-distance hikers overcoming such daunting logistical challenges as resupply, navigation, and access.
Complete with new colour photos, detailed maps, and updated information, Hiking Canada’s Great Divide – 4th Edition will continue to serve domestic and international hikers alike in navigating this remarkable mountain wilderness trail.
Read More in Amazon or link: https://amzn.to/3LN54nT
How to Hike the Appalachian Trail: A Comprehensive Guide to Plan and Prepare for a Successful Thru-Hike
How to Hike the Appalachian Trail: A Comprehensive Guide to Plan and Prepare for a Successful Thru-Hike
Everything you need to know to complete your thru-hike.
The AT is a life changing experience and an amazing accomplishment. Half of the battle is proper preparation. This book is everything I wish I would have known before setting off on my thru-hike. Complete with personal tips and experiences.
Learn how to budget wisely, save money and not waste cash.
Know how to allocate 6 months of your time and plan your exit.
Master your gear with a massive guide on everything from your spork to your tent.
Understand clothing, layering and materials.
Hear about what life is really like on the trail.
Know which direction to go, when and why.
Familiarize yourself with a state by state breakdown of the trail.
Learn how to mentally prepare an optimistic framework for the “I-wanna-quit-days”.
Understand the physical demands and methods to prevent injury.
Prepare yourself for the nutritional needs with food ideas and favorite meal plans.
Know the REAL dangers on the AT.
“Female Needs” section from AT record-holder Heather ‘Anish’ Anderson.
Read More in Amazon or link : https://amzn.to/3xWoe4Z
Hiking Appalachian Trail From Georgia to Maine: 49 Day Challenge to Hike 12 Greatest Sections of A.T.
It was 1994, on my 23rd birthday my father gave me an envelope, which I figured would be a gift certificate for something outdoor or even a golf club coupon. But to my surprise, it was an airline ticket to Atlanta! I was utterly confused, looking at my face he knew I was, but that confusion soon turned into a huge excitement when he said: “we are going to hike the Appalachian Trail in less than 50 days, get ready son.”
I was excited, I asked him, why he hasn’t hiked this trail ever, he said he always had the dream of hiking it with me, in his word, “I saved the best for you.”
That was a trip I will never forget, I think to date that is one of most fun and the adventurous thing I have ever done. We were able to finish it in 49 days too, we both were very proud of each other. Soon after that trip, my dad was diagnosed with a severe case of arthritis, even though the doctors said it was not because of that trip but they think it was too many hiking trips through many rough and rugged terrain that contributed to his condition.
He still hikes, but we only take him to mini half-day trails.
When I originally had the idea to write a guide book on how to hike on the great Appalachian Trail, at first, I thought I should just write it like a journal of what we did, but then my father told me that might not help every reader. He suggested, I should write it like a guide book that can help anyone from a beginner to an advanced hiker, this way we cover a broad range of hikers. So this book is not about my hiking trips, but yours, my main focus in this book is to get you familiarized with the trail and get you prepared for it.
This book is truly a guidebook which is divided into 2 parts where I start off with some basic facts and information about the great Appalachian Trail, then give my readers a clear overview of the trail in every region and state it crosses. Next, I talked about how to get started on hiking the Appalachian Trail, along with all different options like a day hike, multi-day hike and through hike.
Next, I spoke about what to expect on the trail, what kind of help and supports are out there, what and how weather can affect your hiking, what wild animals you have to be aware of. Then I discuss how you can find sanitation, restroom, shower, etc. on the trail, how to deal with various illness while on the trail.
Read more in Amazon : https://amzn.to/3RstBRr
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Running – Trail – Magazine
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Runner’s World South Africa
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Ultramaratona Trail Run CS – 62 km – 20 de junho de 2020

A Prova ULTRAMARATONA TRAIL RUN CS, será realizada no dia 20 de junho de 2020,
com largada na cidade de São Pedro/SP e chegada na cidade de Brotas/SP com
distância de 62 km, sendo disputada nas categorias solo, dupla, quarteto e sexteto
regularmente inscritos, em qualquer condição climática.
A idade mínima para a participação na prova é de 18 anos.
Dia 18 de junho (quinta-feira):
– Entrega de kits: 13h00 as 18h00
– Local: Será divulgado nos materiais de divulgação
Dia 19 junho (sexta-feira):
– Entrega de kits: 15h00 as 20h00
– Local: Será divulgado nos materiais de divulgação
Dia 20 de junho (sábado):
Entrega de kits apenas programada (local da largada): 5h00 ás 5h45
Concentração dos atletas: 5h00 ás 6h00
Largada: 6h30
Leia mais sobre em : https://www.ticketagora.com.br/e/ultramaratona-trail-run-cs-28959
DryMax Trail Run 1/4 Crew (Turndown), October Pink/Black, W7.5-9.5 / M6-8
DryMax Trail Run 1/4 Crew (Turndown), October Pink/Black, W7.5-9.5 / M6-8
65% Drymax/Olefin, 20% Polyester. 8% Nylon, 7% Elastaine
Double welt (water resistant) increases leg protection
Arch band holds sock in place
Dual layers knit toether keeps feet dry, and the 1/4 Crew Turndown gives you a choice of sock height
Flat toe seam and Y-Heel improves fit
Color-Replacementd size mark on toe for easy match-up after laundering
Read more in-> DryMax Trail Run 1/4 Crew (Turndown), October Pink/Black, W7.5-9.5 / M6-8
TRIWONDER Hydration Pack Backpack
TRIWONDER Hydration Pack Backpack 5.5L Outdoors Mochilas Trail Marathoner Running Race Hydration Vest (Grey – with 2 Water Bottles)
▷ Lightweight, large-holed mesh wicks moisture to keep skin cool, supple perimeter binding is comfortable against skin.
▷ Ultralight trail running vest for easy movement.
▷ Card warehouse – carry snacks or cards.
▷ Zipper warehouse – accommodate money/keys.
▷ Kettle warehouse – fit for 5.5in phone/bottles.
▷ Main warehouse – pack water bladder, coat or windbreaker.
▷ Smooth and anti-rust zipper.
▷ Toughness and durable fastener.