Solo – Run 52.4 Beautiful Miles through the streets of San Francisco. Run the first loop beginning at Midnight, then join the other runners for the second loop – earliest start time for second loop will be 5:30am.
Two Person Team – Each team members runs a Full Marathon, first member runs the loop beginning at midnight, second member runs the second loop beginning after first member returns (earliest possible start time is 5:30am).
Four Person Team – Each member runs a Half Marathon, First loop is run by two members handing off at the halfway point (shuttle to handoff and shuttle back to start provided). New two members run the 1st and 2nd half Marathons. One of the Second loop team members will run our Official 1st Half Marathon beginning on the Embarcadero and one will run our Official 2nd Half Marathon, beginning in Golden Gate Park.


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Ultramarathon 24hs Run -25 e 26 de Agosto de 2018 no Parque Portugal (Lagoa do Taquaral)

A Ultra Runner Eventos realizará em Campinas/SP a Ultramarathon 24hs Run.

A prova acontecerá nos dias 25 e 26 de Agosto de 2018 no Parque Portugal (Lagoa do Taquaral), o evento será realizado com chuva ou com sol, só podendo ser cancelada em caso de condições de catástrofe que coloquem em risco a integridade física dos atletas e participantes.

ITEM 2: A Competição
A Ultramarathon 24 HsRun será uma corrida pedestre, de única etapa, com total liberdade de ritmo, a duração será de 24 horas para a modalidade 24hs SOLO e REVEZAMENTO e 12 horas para a modalidade 12hs SOLO, e serão declarados vencedores os atletas que percorrem a maior quilometragem no prazo definido.

ITEM 3: Condições Gerais
A Prova será regida pelo Regulamento, e aprovada pelo corredor ao inscrever-se no evento.

ITEM 4: Condição de admissão dos participantes
Será admitido como participante inscrito da prova, toda pessoa maior de 16 anos de idade, de qualquer nacionalidade, que cumpra as exigências deste regulamento.
O atleta deverá apresentar um atestado de liberação médica, bem como entregar assinado o termo de responsabilidade no qual isenta a organização, tanto realizadores e patrocinadores, em seu nome e de seus sucessores, os documentos poderão ser enviados via mail ou entregues  na retirada de kit.
Eventuais despesas médicas e hospitalares, resultantes do desgaste físico dos atletas, serão de inteira responsabilidade do atleta.

ITEM 5: Suporte
Não será permitido a participação de Corredores PACE, “atletas ajudando a dar ritmo a outro atleta” durante o dia, somente será permitido Pace das 20:00hs as 6:00hs da manhã, o pace deverá correr fora da raia destinada aos atletas, pista lateral.

 ITEM 6: Categorias/ Modalidades/Número de participantes

12Hs Solo  – 100 Vagas

24Hs Solo – 100 Vagas

24Hs Quarteto – 40 Vagas – 10 Equipes

Total de 240 participantes
ITEM 7: Regras de participação Individual e Equipes

Liberdade de ritmo / liberdade de paradas para apoio e descanso / não e permitida a ausência do atleta do recinto da prova (com pena de desclassificação), qualquer motivo de saída do recinto da prova deverá ser comunicada a organização.

Liberdade de ritmo / liberdade de paradas para apoio e descanso e troca / não e permitida a ausência dos atletas do recinto da prova (com pena de desclassificação), qualquer motivo de saída do recinto da prova deverá ser comunicada a organização.

Leia mais sobre o regulamento:

Badwater 135 Qualifying Standards – Badwater 135 Ultramarathon – July 23-25 , 2018

Those submitting an application to compete in the 2018 Badwater 135 Ultramarathon must meet at least ONE or more of the following THREE Qualifying Standards. Please review these Qualifying Standards to determine which standard(s) describes you, if any. You will be required to select at least one of these when you submit your race application. Those who do not meet at least one of these standards MAY NOT apply.

Here are the Qualifying Standards, at least ONE of which must be met prior to applying:

  1. You have officially finished the Badwater 135 (the actual race held since 1987; “solo” efforts will not be considered, except those made prior to 1990) AND have completed at least one significant ultra running event (or significant ultra cycling or triathlon event) in the previous 12 months other than the Badwater 135.
  2. You have officially finished at least THREE running races of at least 100 continuous miles in length, at least one of them in the previous 12 months. Exception: Officially finishing the 81-mile BADWATER SALTON SEA race “counts” as one 100-mile race for this qualifying purpose. (Please see the list of Preferred Qualifying Races below.)
  3. You have officially finished the Brazil 135+ (either 135 miles in 48 hours or 160 miles in 62.5 hours) AND have completed at least one significant ultra running or other endurance sports event in the previous 12 months.

Preferred Qualifying Races

Not all 100-mile (and longer) races are created equal; some are more suitable than others for preparing a Badwater 135 applicant to be successful at the world’s toughest foot race.

Our view of ultrarunning is expansive, with the experience of an epic route being intrinsic to what we call “exploring the outer and inner universes.” As well, the physical, mental, emotional, and logistical challenge of traversing  a widely varying course with a plethora of terrain and climatic changes provides a more rewarding – and challenging – experience for all involved.

For 2017 and beyond, applicants with some of the following races on their resumé will have a greater likelihood of being selected to compete in the Badwater 135. (In other words, these races are not strictly required, but completion of some of them is highly recommended for all applicants.)

Brazil 135+, Brazil, 135mi / 217km or 160mi / 257km, Website

Keys 100, Florida, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Badwater Salton Sea, California, USA, 81mi / 130km, Website

Angeles Crest 100, California, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Arrowhead 135, Minnesota, 135mi / 217km, Website

Coast to Kosciuszko, Australia, 149mi / 240km, Website

Fat Dog 120 Trail Race, British Columbia, Canada, 120mi / 193km, Website

Grand Union Canal Race, United Kingdom, 145mi / 233km, Website

Hardrock 100, Colorado, USA,100mi / 162km, Website

HURT 100, Hawaii, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Leadville Trail 100, Colorado, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Nove Colli, Italy, 125mi / 202km, Website

Northburn 100, New Zealand, 100mi / 162km, Website

Pinhoti 100, Alabama, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Spartathlon, Greece, 153mi / 256km, Website

Superior 100 Fall Trail Race, Minnesota, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website

Tortour de Ruhr, Germany, 143mi / 230km, Website

Tuscobia 150. Wisconsin, USA, 150mi / 241km, Website

Ultramilano-Sanremo, Italy, 175mi / 281km, Website

Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, France, 103mi / 166km, Website

Ultra-Trail Mt. Fuji, Japan, 102mi / 165km, Website

Ultrabalaton, Hungary, 136mi / 220km, Website

Wasatch Front 100, Utah, USA, Website

Western States 100, California, USA, 100mi / 162km, Website


  • No applicant is guaranteed entry, except those noted above in the Badwater 135 Automatic Qualifying Spots section.
  • Some special consideration is given to applicants who competed the entire BADWATER ULTRA CUP in any previous year.
  • Some special consideration is given to applicants who are veteran Badwater 135 pacers. (A letter of recommendation from the athlete for whom you paced at the Badwater 135 is required. It must be sent by email from the person for whom you paced directly to the Badwater race office. It must be sent to adventurecorps-at-gmail-dot-com immediately prior to your application submission.)
  • You must have significant, relevant, and applicable race results from the previous two years.
  • 24-hour race results may NOT be submitted as equivalent to a 100-miler, regardless of how many miles are completed. However, feel free to include 24-Hour race results in your application, in addition to meeting the minimum qualifying events.
  • The three qualifying events of “100 continuous miles” means literally 100 continuous miles. As such, stage races do not count towards the minimum qualifying standards. However, please include any significant stage racing history in your application, in addition to the qualifying events.
  • Minimum application requirements must be attained prior to submitting the application to compete in the upcoming Badwater 135 Ultramarathon.
  • For every race mentioned, the application must include the full race name, year, place, and finishing time, plus the weblink to the specific webpage on the event website which will verify your claim. All links listed should be complete, i.e., start with http://.
  • “Officially finishing” any event mentioned is defined as meeting all time cutoffs, including the overall time limit, for the event in question.
2018 Application

The 2018 application will be available from 900am PST, January 19 through 500pm PST, February 2, 2018 only. The application is NOW CLOSED and we are no longer accepting applications.

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A Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon

READ MORE ABOUT :A Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon
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Extremo Sul Ultramarathon -15 Novembro a 17 de Novembro de 2018

Extremo Sul Ultramarathon – A maior praia do mundo é uma nova marca para o desafio que é a travessia da extensão de areia entre as barras de Rio Grande e Chui – Santa Vitória do Palmar, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

É uma ultramaratona em semi-autonomia e no formato “non stop” com tempo máximo de conclusão de 54 horas que pode ser feita a solo e está limitada aos 100 participantes

Distância / Tempo limite
226 km / 54 horas.

Postos de controlo (PC) / Bases de Apoio (BA)
Postos com vários tipos de ajuda.

Equipamentos obrigatórios
É um dos principais fatores de segurança. A ausência dos equipamentos em qualquer ponto do percurso leva à desclassificação imediata.
Consulte o regulamento ou a página material obrigatório.

15 Novembro a 17 de Novembro de 2018

Congresso Técnico
 – Rio Grande

Local e Hora de Partida
15/11/2018 – 10 Horas – 
Molhes da Barra de Rio Grande

Local de Chegada
Barra do Chuí – Santa Vitória do Palmar.

Festa de encerramento / Premiação
17/11/2018 na Barra do Chuí.

Leia mais sobre no site:

6 Giorni del Pantano 2017 -La 6 JOURS partira le 4 JUIN à 15h00 et terminera le 10 JUIN à 15h00

A.S.D. TRANSEO dans la personne de son président Pasquale Brandi, avec le parrainage de IUTA – Association Italienne d’Ultramaratona et Trail, organise la 6° édition de la
6 Jours UMF – ITALIAN ULTRAMARATHON FESTIVAL , course à pied sportive respectivement composée par 7 disciplines sur la distance de Marathon, 100 Mille, 100 K, 6 – 24 – 48 Heures et de 6 Jours. La compétition FIDAL avec la BRONZE LABEL IAU.

La 6 JOURS partira le 4 JUIN à 15h00 et terminera le 10 JUIN à 15h00 .​

La 48 HEURES et la 100 MILLE partiront le 8 JUIN à 15h00 et termineront le 10 JUIN à 15h00​

La 24 HEURES et la 100 K partiront le 9 JUIN à 15h00 et termineront le 10 JUIN à 15h00

La 6 HEURES partira le 10 JUIN à 09h00 et terminera le 10 JUIN à 15h00 .

Les départs des MARATHONS sont libres c’est-à-dire que, entre 01.00 et 23.00, on peut décider de partir toutes les deux heures (par exemple à 15h00, 17h00, 19h00 etc.)

Les vainqueurs seront ceux qui, dans les spécialités respectives, ils parcourront le plus grand numéro de kilomètres.



Complète 20 MARATHONS dans les 6 jours de compétition !! Tu ne paieras rien et à la prochaine édition des 6 JOURS du POLICORO tu pourras participer gratuitement.

Les règles sont simples: si tu ne complètes pas toutes les 20 marathons, tu paies seulement les marathons que tu as couru.

Tu préfères la compétition de 6 JOURS ?? Cours l’équivalent de 20 marathons et tu ne paieras rien et à la prochaine édition des 6 JOURS du POLICORO tu pourras participer gratuitement.

Athlètes et Accompagnateurs

L’accès au restaurant dans lequel on prend les repas chauds (deux par jour) et où on trouves des boissons et de la nourriture froide, il estréservé aux ATHLÈTES et aux ACCOMPAGNATEURS qui résident à l’intérieur du Policoro Village et aux MEMBRES du STAFF.

Pour accéder au restaurant il sera obligatoire de montrer le bracelet en plastique coloré fourni par l’organisation.

Pour ce qui n’est pas compris dans ce règlement, on suit le règlement FIDAL et IUTA d’Ultramarathon. L’organisation se réserve le droit de changer le présent réglemente. Des modifications éventuelles seront communiquées préalablement.

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Magic Madness and Ultramarathon Running

Magic Madness and Ultramarathon Running

Magic Madness and Ultramarathon Running started as a series of separate ultra running race accounts that have revealed a transformational journey covering the most significant period of my life so far: My parents divorced, I became a husband and a father – and I learnt to run for the thrill of the chase and the joy of each step. Or if you want the simple version, it’s also just a collection of long races in great places where I tried hard and went as fast as I could for as long as I could. Sometimes

READ MORE INMagic Madness and Ultramarathon Running

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Nowhere Near First: Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack

Nowhere Near First: Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack

ong before Cory Reese strapped on his first pair of running shoes, he learned the key to being a successful ultrarunner: He knew how to suffer.

In “Nowhere Near First,” Cory shares his deeply personal story about experiencing his father’s suicide at a young age, and how this led to a career in endurance running and a desire to live life to the fullest.

“Nowhere Near First” is a humorous, captivating, and uplifting account of Cory’s memorable ultramarathon experiences. Not only does Cory’s entertaining and powerful writing allow readers a unique perspective into the challenges and rewards of running, but it also inspires each of us to turn
READ MORE IN: Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack

Ultramarathon – Aqui você encontra sua Ultramaratona seja no Brasil ou no Mundo!

Aqui você encontra links para ultramaratonas no Brasil e no Mundo!  Ajudem-nos a divulgar

nosso site compartilhando pelo facebook e outras redes sociais.

O termo ultramaratona serve para identificar corridas a pé que tenham uma distância superior a 42.195 metros, que é a distância oficial da maratona. Fora a distância da prova, utiliza-se um segundo critério na definição de ultramaratona: o tempo. Existem, por exemplo, provas de 6, 12, 24 ou 48 horas.22


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Information 20/03/2017

Updated entrants list after the board of directors addition of a limited number of applicants, merit based, according to article 5f of admission regulations.. For any questions about your participation please contact us by email at
You can find the accepted participants in the  Entrants List  link Below.

(Updated 20/03/17)

(Updated 20/03/2017)

SPARTATHLON is a historic ultra-distance foot race that takes place in September of every year in Greece. It is one of the most difficult and satisfying ultra-distance races in the world because of its unique history and background.

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