100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

Superior: 100 Mile Endurance Run, One of America’s Oldest, Toughest, and Gnarliest Ultramarathons

The Superior 100 is one of the most rugged, remote, and relentless 100 mile footraces out there. It’s beautiful and challenging. This multi-genre book is part nonfiction novel, part history, part memoir, among other things. It follows eight runners through the race. It follows crew members, volunteers, course markers, sweepers, and the race director. It dives into race history. With lyric and memorable narrative, it captures the physical, mental, and spiritual journeys of the competitors as they run through the night, through the forests, rivers, and ridgetops of the Sawtooth Mountains of northern Minnesota.

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