Tag: Ultramarathon
Unived RRUNN Endurance Gel, Nutrition Energy Gel for Endurance Athletes
About the product
Formulated by Ultra-Marathon Runners & used by global Elite Athletes
ELECTROLYTE REPLENISHMENT: Essential electrolytes for rehydration and muscle cramp prevention (Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium)
DIPEPTIDE AMINO ACIDS: Sustamine to aid fluid-uptake, protein synthesis, and reduce muscle fatigue
CELLULAR STRESS PROTECTION: Betaine an osmolyte for cell protection from environmental stress
26G CARBS PER SERVING & 100MG NATURAL CAFFEINE: High-GI carbs for efficient absorption and instant energy, along with natural caffeine to increase performance & reduce time to exertion 100% vegan and gluten-free, and free of WADA banned substances.
The Road to Sparta: Running in the Footsteps of the Original Ultramarathon Man
The Road to Sparta: Running in the Footsteps of the Original Ultramarathon Man
In 490 BCE Pheidippides ran for 36 hours straight from Athens to Sparta to seek help in defending Athens from a Persian invasion. He was hailed as a hero and his run stands enduringly as one of greatest physical accomplishments in history.
Dean Karnazes honours this achievement and his own Greek heritage by attempting this ancient journey in modern times. His account of running the gruelling Spartathlon, fuelled only by the figs, olives and meats available to Pheidippides, will captivate even the most sedentary readers.
READ MORE IN ->The Road to Sparta: Running in the Footsteps of the Original Ultramarathon Man
Minimalist’s Guide to Running an Ultramarathon: Finish Your Ultra by Training Smarter, Not Harder!
Minimalist’s Guide to Running an Ultramarathon: Finish Your Ultra by Training Smarter, Not Harder!
Why do so many runners who start an ultramarathon not finish? How can you give yourself the best chance of finishing a 50 or 100 mile race? Do you really need to run 50-100 mile weeks to finish an ultramarathon? The Minimalist’s Guide to Running an Ultramarathon answers these questions and gives you the blueprint you need to finish your ultramarathon. It dispels the myth that you need to run lots of miles to finish an ultramarathon. Understanding that every runner has different abilities and goals, this book does not provide a “one size fits all” training program. It gives you key principles and guidelines that will allow you to create the best training program that meets your needs. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned ultrarunner looking for more tools to improve your performance or are new to the sport and want to know the minimum amount of training needed to finish an ultramarathon, this book will give you the framework for the optimal training program. It focuses on the most efficient training to minimize your training time while providing maximum benefit.
The optimal training program for running an ultramarathon includes much more than just running. If you ask anyone who has completed an ultramarathon, many will tell you much of the race is mental. Research continues to show how important strength training is to running performance and injury prevention.
Running to Extremes: Ray Zahab’s Amazing Ultramarathon Journey
Running to Extremes: Ray Zahab’s Amazing Ultramarathon Journey
Ray Zahab was always the last to be picked for team games. Eventually, he quit trying and as he got older, he took up smoking and drinking. But after his grandfather and uncle died, and his father suffered a stroke, Ray realized he had to take charge of his life.
Ray gave up his destructive habits and started looking for new challenges. When he read about the 160-km Yukon ultramarathon, he knew he had to give it a try. Everyone thought he was crazy. Ray had never even run in a regular marathon.
READ MORE IN Running to Extremes: Ray Zahab’s Amazing Ultramarathon Journey
Nowhere Near First: Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack
Nowhere Near First: Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack
Long before Cory Reese strapped on his first pair of running shoes, he learned the key to being a successful ultrarunner: He knew how to suffer.
In “Nowhere Near First,” Cory shares his deeply personal story about experiencing his father’s suicide at a young age, and how this led to a career in endurance running and a desire to live life to the fullest.
“Nowhere Near First” is a humorous, captivating, and uplifting account of Cory’s memorable ultramarathon experiences. Not only does Cory’s entertaining and powerful writing allow readers a unique perspective into the challenges and rewards of running, but it also inspires each of us to turn tragedy into triumph.
“Cory Reese writes with humor, humbleness and honesty. His story is both uplifting and real, and his tales of persistence and perseverance are sure to inspire, whether you’re at the front of the pack or nowhere near first. Regardless of the title, this book’s a winner!” ~ Dean Karnazes, author of Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner
“Cory Reese’s book, Nowhere Near First, is an immensely entertaining and profoundly educational story about overcoming challenges to forge a meaningful life. Reese’s story is must-read for people looking to find meaning and purpose in modern-day society.” ~ Karl Hoagland, Publisher, UltraRunning
READ MORE – Nowhere Near First: Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack
Ultramarathon Mom: From the Sahara to the Arctic
Ultramarathon Mom: From the Sahara to the Arctic
With condemning, yet humorous, comments, Holly Zimmermann, mother of four young children, endeavors to take on some of the world’s most difficult and dangerous foot races. A grueling 257-kilometer ultramarathon through the Sahara Desert, written in a daily journal-style format, is the core of the story. Interspersed between the adventures in the Sahara, Holly recalls other races, including when two bombs went off before her eyes at the Boston Marathon. After the Sahara Desert, the setting for her next challenge shifted to the opposite extreme: Greenland, for the Polar Circle Marathon.
What makes this book distinctive are the Forrest-Gump-like happenstances which occur throughout,
READ MORE IN : Ultramarathon Mom: From the Sahara to the Arctic

A.S.D. TRANSEO dans la personne de son président Pasquale Brandi, avec le parrainage de IUTA – Association Italienne d’Ultramaratona et Trail, organise la 7° édition de la
6 Jours UMF – ITALIAN ULTRAMARATHON FESTIVAL , course à pied sportive respectivement composée par 7 disciplines sur la distance de Marathon, 100 Mille, 100 K, 6 – 24 – 48 Heures et de 6 Jours.
Aussi les Marcheurs seront acceptés, avec un classement spécifique.
La compétition FIDAL avec la BRONZE LABEL IAU.
La 6 JOURS ( aussi les Marcheurs ) partira le 10 SEPTEMBRE à 15h00 et terminera le 16 SEPTEMBRE à 15h00 .
La 48 HEURES et la 100 MILLE partiront le 14 SEPTEMBRE à 15h00 et termineront le 16 SEPTEMBRE à 15h00
La 24 HEURES et la 100 K partiront le 15 SEPTEMBRE à 15h00 et termineront le 16 SEPTEMBRE à 15h00
Les départs des 6 HEURES et des MARATHONS sont libres c’est-à-dire que, entre 01.00 et 23.00 ( du 10 au 16 Septembre ), on peut décider de partir toutes les deux heures (par exemple à 15h00, 17h00, 19h00 etc.)
Read More in: https://www.6giornidelpantano.com/
Minimalist’s Guide to Running an Ultramarathon: Finish Your Ultra by Training Smarter, Not Harder!
Minimalist’s Guide to Running an Ultramarathon: Finish Your Ultra by Training Smarter, Not Harder!
Why do so many runners who start an ultramarathon not finish? How can you give yourself the best chance of finishing a 50 or 100 mile race? Do you really need to run 50-100 mile weeks to finish an ultramarathon? The Minimalist’s Guide to Running an Ultramarathon answers these questions and gives you the blueprint you need to finish your ultramarathon. It dispels the myth that you need to run lots of miles to finish an ultramarathon. Understanding that every runner has different abilities and goals, this book does not provide a “one size fits all” training program. It gives you key principles and guidelines that will allow you to create the best training program that meets your needs. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned ultrarunner looking for more tools to improve your performance or are new to the sport and want to know the minimum amount of training needed to finish an ultramarathon, this book will give you the framework for the optimal training program. It follows the 80/20 principle and focuses on the most efficient training program to minimize your training time while providing maximum benefit. The optimal training program for running an ultramarathon includes much more than just running.
Ultramarathon 24hs Run -25 e 26 de Agosto de 2018 no Parque Portugal (Lagoa do Taquaral)

A prova acontecerá nos dias 25 e 26 de Agosto de 2018 no Parque Portugal (Lagoa do Taquaral), o evento será realizado com chuva ou com sol, só podendo ser cancelada em caso de condições de catástrofe que coloquem em risco a integridade física dos atletas e participantes.
ITEM 2: A Competição
A Ultramarathon 24 HsRun será uma corrida pedestre, de única etapa, com total liberdade de ritmo, a duração será de 24 horas para a modalidade 24hs SOLO e REVEZAMENTO e 12 horas para a modalidade 12hs SOLO, e serão declarados vencedores os atletas que percorrem a maior quilometragem no prazo definido.
ITEM 3: Condições Gerais
A Prova será regida pelo Regulamento, e aprovada pelo corredor ao inscrever-se no evento.
ITEM 4: Condição de admissão dos participantes
Será admitido como participante inscrito da prova, toda pessoa maior de 16 anos de idade, de qualquer nacionalidade, que cumpra as exigências deste regulamento.
O atleta deverá apresentar um atestado de liberação médica, bem como entregar assinado o termo de responsabilidade no qual isenta a organização, tanto realizadores e patrocinadores, em seu nome e de seus sucessores, os documentos poderão ser enviados via mail ou entregues na retirada de kit.
Eventuais despesas médicas e hospitalares, resultantes do desgaste físico dos atletas, serão de inteira responsabilidade do atleta.
ITEM 5: Suporte
Não será permitido a participação de Corredores PACE, “atletas ajudando a dar ritmo a outro atleta” durante o dia, somente será permitido Pace das 20:00hs as 6:00hs da manhã, o pace deverá correr fora da raia destinada aos atletas, pista lateral.
Leia mais sobre em: http://www.ultrarunnereventos.net/